Temperature Calibration:
Start a 1-point or 2-point temperature calibration by clicking "Temperature calibration".
1. Position the sensor in the temperature reference.
2. For the remaining procedure, follow the humidity calibration points 2-9.
Activating the factory calibration:
Clicking "Activate Factory Calibration" deletes the customer calibration data for both the humidity and temperature
and resets the values to the original factory settings.
3.3.3 Measuring values
The calibration software also allows users to display / check the
humidity and temperature measuring values at the digital output of
the EE08.
If the checkbox "Activate automatic query" is flagged, the
measuring values are queried and updated according to the
selected interval.
3.3.4 Information
This section of the calibration software displays the transmitter
master data:
Serial number:
Last customer calibration: Data of the last customer calibration
The version number of the E2/RS232 adapter (converter) in use is displayed in the last line.
Output signal of the connected EE08
Displays range of the temperature out-
Displays range of the humidity output
Serial number of the connected EE08
performed on the connected EE08.
If a customer calibration has not yet been performed, the factory
calibration settings are displayed.