3.3.2 Calibration
General information:
The EE08 calibrator provides the following different calibration points:
Low calibration point:
If the selected calibration point is lower than the mid-point of the
measuring range, it is automatically identified as the "low calibration point."
High calibration point:
If the selected calibration point is higher than the mid-point of the
measuring range, it is automatically identified as the "high calibration point."
Example: RH-working range = 0-100% RH ->
mid-point of the measuring range = 50% RH
- selected calibration point = 10% RH = < 50% RH = low calibration point
- selected calibration point = 80% RH = > 50% RH = high calibration point
1-point calibration:
If the EE08 is calibrated / adjusted for only one point (low OR high calibration point), this method is referred to as
a 1-point calibration. It is quick and straightforward, but guarantees accurate measuring results in a very restricted
working range only (e.g. working range of 10...30% RH => 1-point calibration at 20% RH).
2-point calibration:
If the EE08 is calibrated / adjusted for two points (low AND high calibration point), this method is referred to as
a 2-point calibration. This method is more time-consuming, but guarantees accurate measuring results throug-
hout the entire working range.
- The low calibration point ought to be in the lower third of the measuring range.
- The high calibration point ought to be in the higher third of the measuring range.
Example: RH working range = 0...100% RH
- low calibration point: 0...30% RH
- high calibration point: 70...100% RH
Humidity Calibration:
1. Position the sensor in the humidity reference.
2. Choose the calibration point in the reference system (e.g. low point:
20% RH).
3. Allow it to stabilize (approximately 30 minutes).
4. Press the "Humidity calibration" button.
5. Replace the displayed reference value with the actual value in the reference system.
6. Click "Save" to align the EE08 transmitter measuring value with the actual reference value.
7. This is the 1-point calibration / adjustment method.
8. To perform 2-point calibration, select the high calibration point in the reference system.
9. Repeat points 3 to 6.
If the EE08 transmitter measuring values deviate significantly from the reference value, no alignment / adjustment
is possible. The following error message is displayed.