Fimer TM 236 DUAL PULSE SYNERGIC Manuel D'emploi page 49

Table des Matières


Double short: Used to activate (ON) or
deactivate (OFF) the mode at two levels, in
other words the continual switching between
two different levels of welding current
L1 span: When the two level mode is active
this function is used to set the duration of the
first current level.
L2 span: When the two level mode is active
this function is used to set the duration of the
first current level.
L2 amplitude: When the two level mode is
active this function is used to set the second
current level (L2) compared to the current set
(level L1)
L2 voltage: When the two level mode is
active this function is used to modify the
independently of the voltage of the L1 level
(arc length parameter)
2t-4t-4bilevel: Used to set the operating
mode to 2 times or 4 times.
2t: In 2 time operating mode the machine
welds for the entire time the torch button is
held down.
4t: In 4 time operating mode pressing the
torch button once starts the weld and
pressing it a second time ends the weld.
4bi: This operation is similar to the 4t mode
with the only difference that pressing the
torch button for short periods (< 1s) during
welding causes the passage of the current
from the first level I1 to the second level I2;
holding the button down (> 1s) causes the
start of the end of the weld.
2nd level: used to set the value of the
current relative to the second power level,
active when the value of the 2t-4t-4bilevel
parameter is set to 4bi.
Start/End level: Used to activate (ON) or
deactivate (OFF) the mode with the initial
and final current.
Start level: Used to set the initial value as a
percentage of the welding current (e.g. 130%
implies Is=1,30xI1)
Start level time: Used in 2t mode to set the
time the initial current ls is applied
Ls->l1 slope: Used to set the duration of the
current ramp from the initial level Is to the
welding current I1.
L1->le slope: Used to set the duration of the
current ramp from the welding current I1 to
the final level Ie.
End level: Used to set the final current as a
percentage of the welding current (e.g. 80%
implies If=0.80xI1)
End level time: Used in 2t mode to set the
time of application of the final current If
Spot welding: Used to set (if other than 0)
the maximum duration of the weld.
Pause: Used to set (if other than 0) the
successive spot welds.
Pre-gas time: Used to set the time for
delivery of gas before striking the electric arc.
Post-gas time: Used to set the time of gas
delivery after the welding current has
Burnback: Used to vary the burnback time
of the wire at the end of the weld.
Soft start: Used to modify the speed at
which the wire approaches in order to obtain
a soft arc ignition; high values correspond to
low approach speeds.
Hot start: Used to set the ignition current in
order to obtain a soft ignition; generally used
together with the Soft-start parameter.
Water pump: Used to switch on (ON) or
switch off (OFF) the water pump unit if


Table des Matières

Table des Matières