Care & Maintenance
5. After the tenth turn, the end of the padding cover must
lie on the top of the ironing roller. As pictured, place the
ironing cloth (A) on the padding cover with the wrong
side upwards making sure that the cord ends project
evenly. Wind the ironing cloth onto the ironing roller.
6. Wind on the ironing cloth completely and make sure that
the end of the ironing cloth lies on the heating shoe.
7. Tighten the cord at both ends of the roller, fi rst on the
inner and then on the outer ends of the ironing cloth.
8. Wrap the cord ends round twice, pull them tight and
then tie. The end of the cord must remain tensioned dur-
ing the whole operation. Slide the ends under the iron-
ing cover. Press Continuous Steam button (the Rotary
Steam Iron returns to the main program) or switch the
Power Switch Off and then On again. The Rotary Steam
Iron restarts in the main program and the ironing roller
lifts up.