1. General & Applications
Disinfection by means of ultraviolet light (UV) is an efficient, economic and particu-
larly environmentally friendly process.
UV light kills pathogene microorganisms within a few seconds without leaving any
residues, harmful by-products or affecting the sense of smell or of taste.
Thanks to this the operators' exposure to danger by handling harmful chemicals is
The effect of the UV light is used by very effective UV-C radiation (254 Nm). Within
a few seconds this brings about a photochemical reaction in DNA (desoxyribonucle-
ic acid) which is vital for all microorganisms. By this microorganisms are either killed
or their ability to increase is destroyed.
The rate of kill depends on minimum UV radiation (UV dose), i.e. the time that a mi-
croorganism is exposed to a certain intensity of UV radiation (W/m²). At a UV dose
of 400 J/m² the most important human pathogene bacteria and virus are reduced
by 4 logs (decimal exponents), which corresponds to international requirements
and ensures safe disinfection.
The disinfection performance of a UV system is essentially based on the fact that
each volume element obtains the necessary UV dose when it passes through the UV
reactor. To ensure this the radiation field and hydraulic properties in the UV system
have been optimally adapted to each other.
UV radiation of drinking water does not cause any undesired secondary reactions
based on the UV doses we use for disinfection.
As we do not add efficient disinfective substances to the water by UV radiation,
there are no deposit effects when the volume element has passed through the UV
Correct function (disinfection performance) can only be guaran-
teed when original ITT Water & Wastewater spare parts (lamps,
ballasts, etc. ) are used.
Should you have any questions please contact:
Tel.: +49 (0) 5221 930-777
Fax : +49 (0) 5221 930-196