Running in after carbon
brushes are changed.
Unable to activate
hole-starting mode
Undervoltage - diamond core
drilling machine does not
develop full power.
Multifunction display indi-
cates "0" at the gear dis-
play and the diamond core
bit doesn't rotate.
Connection has been inter-
Bluetooth off
A different diamond core
drilling machine is connected
automatically via Bluetooth
with the used accessory (e. g.
water management system).
Possible cause
The carbon brushes have been
changed and must be run in.
Diamond core drilling machine is
The motor has overheated. The
diamond core drilling machine is
running in cooling mode.
Supply network fault – undervolt-
age occurred.
The gear selector isn't engaged.
Existing Bluetooth connection has
been separated.
Bluetooth is deactivated.
Several diamond core drilling ma-
chines are connected to the same
accessory. The accessory always
connects automatically to the di-
amond core drilling machine that
enables the connection to be es-
tablished fastest.
Action to be taken
▶ Run in the carbon brushes by
letting the machine run under
no load for at least 1 minute
without interruption.
▶ Turn the hand wheel until the
core bit is no longer in contact
with the base material.
▶ Complete the cooling process.
▶ Check whether other power
consumers are disrupting the
power supply from the network
or generator.
▶ Check the length of the exten-
sion cord used.
▶ Operate the gear selector until
it engages.
▶ Make sure there is a clear line of
sight between the product and
the accessory. Local conditions
such as reinforced concrete
walls, for example, can affect
the quality of the connection.
▶ Connect the accessories to the
diamond core drilling machine
▶ Activate the Bluetooth function.
Simultaneously press the but-
▶ Switch Bluetooth on the ac-
cessory off and then on again
and connect the diamond core
drilling machine to the acces-
sory again.