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Whirlpool WCE52424AB Guide D'utilisation Et D'entretien page 5

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Cleaning offthecooktop b efore a ndafter e ach use willhelp keep
itfree from stains a ndprovide t hemost e ven heating. On
cooktops withlight c olored c eramic g lass, soils andstains m ay
bemore visible, andmay require m ore cleaning andattention.
Cooktop c leaner andacooktop s craper arerecommended.
more information,
see"General Cleaning" section.
• Avoid storing j arsorcans above t hecooktop. Dropping a
heavy o rhard object o nto thecooktop c ould crack the
• Toavoid damage tothecooktop, donotleave a hotlidonthe
cooktop. Asthecooktop c ools, aircanbecome t rapped
between thelidand thecooktop, and theceramic glass c ould
break w hen thelidisremoved.
• For f oods containing sugar i nany form, c lean u pallspills and
soils assoon aspossible. Allow thecooktop t ocool d own
slightly. Then, while wearing o ven mitts, remove t hespills
using ascraper while thesurface i sstillwarm. Ifsugary s pills
areallowed t ocool d own, they canadhere t othecooktop
andcancause pitting andpermanent marks.
• Toavoid scratches, donotslide cookware orbakeware
across t hecooktop. Aluminum o rcopper bottoms a nd rough
finishes oncookware orbakeware could leave s cratches or
marks o nthecooktop.
• Donotcook popcorn i nprepackaged
aluminum c ontainers
onthecooktop. They could leave a luminum m arks t hat
cannot beremoved completely.
• Toavoid damage tothecooktop, donotallow objects t hat
could melt, such asplastic o raluminum f oil,totouch anypart
oftheentire cooktop.
• Toavoid damage tothecooktop, donotuse thecooktop a sa
cutting board.
• Use cookware about thesame size asthesurface c ooking
area. Cookware should n otextend m ore than 1/2" (1.3 cm)
outside t hearea.
,_ ........................
z ............. C
A. Surface cooking area
B. Cookware/canner
C. V2" (1.3 cm) maximum overhang
Use flat-bottomed
cookware for best heat conduction and
energy efficiency. Cookware with rounded, warped, ribbed or
dented bottoms could cause uneven heating and poor
cooking results.
Determine flatness by placing the straight edge of a ruler
across the bottom of the cookware. While you rotate the ruler,
no space or light should be visible between it and the
Cookware designed with slightly indented bottoms or small
expansion channels can be used.
Make sure the bottoms of pots and pans are clean and dry
before using them. Residue and water can leave deposits
when heated.
To avoid damage to the cooktop, do not cook foods directly
on the cooktop.
When canning for long periods, alternate the use of surface
cooking areas, elements or surface burners between batches.
This allows time for the most recently used areas to cool.
Center the canner on the grate or largest surface cooking
area or element. On electric cooktops, canners should not
extend more than 1/2"(1.3 cm) beyond the surface cooking
area or element.
Do not place canner on 2 surface cooking areas, elements or
surface burners at the same time.
On ceramic glass models, use only flat-bottomed
On coil element models, the installation of a Canning Unit Kit
is recommended.
If a kit is not installed, the life of the coil
element will be shortened. See "Assistance
or Service" for
on how to order.
For more information, contact your local agricultural
Companies that manufacture
home canning
products can also offer assistance.
IMPORTANT: Do not leave empty cookware on a hot surface
cooking area, element or surface burner.
Ideal cookware should have a flat bottom, straight sides, and a
lid and the material should be of medium-to-heavy
Rough finishes may scratch the cooktop. Aluminum
and copper
may be used as a core or base in cookware. However, when used
as a base they can leave permanent marks on the cooktop or
Cookware material is a factor in how quickly and evenly heat is
transferred, which affects cooking results. A nonstick finish has
the same characteristics
as its base material. For example,
aluminum cookware with a nonstick finish will take on the
properties of aluminum.
Use the following chart as a guide for cookware material
Heats quickly and evenly.
Suitable for all types of cooking.
Medium or heavy thickness is best for
most cooking tasks.
Cast iron
Ceramic or
Ceramic glass
Heats slowly and evenly.
Good for browning and frying.
Maintains heat for slow cooking.
Follow manufacturer's
Heats slowly, but unevenly.
Ideal results on low to medium heat
Heats very quickly and evenly.
Follow manufacturer's
Use on low heat settings.
steel or cast
See stainless steel or cast iron.
Stainless steel
Heats quickly, but unevenly.
A core or base of aluminum or copper
on stainless steel provides even

