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National Geographic 9070700 Mode D'emploi page 23

Station météo écran couleur, mesures de températures et d'humidités


14 Weather forecast
A weather trend for the next 12-24 hours is calculated from the measured values and displayed graph-
ically as follows:
15 Trend arrow indicators
1 rising
The temperature and humidity trend indicator shows the trends of weather change for the coming
minutes. The arrows indicate a rising or falling trend.
16 Connecting remote sensors
The Weather Station can display the readings from up to 3 wireless sensors of the same type. Each
radio sensor must be set to a separate channel. Proceed as follows to set the channel:
1. Remove the battery compartment cover of the wireless sensor.
2. Set the channel selection switch to the desired channel (CH1, CH2 or CH3).
3. Re-attach the battery compartment cover.
4. NOTICE! Each connected wireless sensor must be set to a different channel. If only one wire-
less sensor is connected, it should be set to CH1.
5. Press CHANNEL button for about 3 seconds to reset the values and search for a wireless sensor
(RF signal).
2 falling
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