Play: plays audio at the cursor position. If you have selected some
audio, only said selection is played.
Loop: if you press and hold the "shift" key, the "play" button changes
to a "loop" button, enabling you to play the selection repeatedly.
Record: records audio at the project's sample rate (the sample rate
in the lower-left corner of the window). The new track will begin at
the current cursor position, so click the "skip to start" button first if
you want the track to begin at time 0 (i.e. the beginning of a song).
Pause: temporarily stops playback or recording until you press
"pause" again.
Stop: stops recording or playing. You must do this before applying
"effects", "saving", or "exporting".
Skip to End: moves the cursor to the end of the last track.
The "Edit" Toolbar
All buttons in this toolbar perform actions - and with a couple of exceptions, they are
all just shortcuts of existing menu items, enabling you to save time using the menu.
Put the mouse on a tool icon to see a "tooltip", in case you forget which one is which.
Trim away the audio outside the selection
Silence the selected audio
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