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GE 165D4700P389 Manuel Du Propriétaire page 20


Before you cull for service...
Troubleshooting Tips
Possible Causes
What To Do
Control panel responded
to inputs but dishwasher
never filled with water
Controlpanel doesnot
respondto inputs
Dishwasher won't run
• Hakesurethedoor isfirmly closed.
Door latch may not be properlg
Water valve may be turned off
Door not latched
Control panel is locked
Dishwasherpoweris disconnected•
Fuseis blownor circuit breaker
Poweristurned off
Control panel is locked
Control panel needs to be
Hakesurewater valve(usuallylocatedunderthe sink)isturnedon.
Frontcontrolmodelsrequirethe doorto be latchedto acceptkeypad
All models:Unlockcontrolpanel.Seepage8.
Replace fuseor resetcircuitbreaker. R emove any otherappliances from
In someinstallations, the powerto the dishwasher i s provided througha
wallswitch,often locatednext to the disposer switch.Hakesureit ison.
• Unlockcontrol panel.Seepage8.
• Turnoff powerto the dishwasher(circuitbreakeror wall switch) for
30 seconds; t henturn backon.
Controlpanel lights
Timetoo long between
• Eachpad mustbe touchedwithin 5 minutesof the others.
go offwhen you're
touching of selectedpads
Torelight,touchany pad again,or unlockand relatchdoor.
Water standing in
This is normal
• A smallamountof cleanwater aroundthe outletonthe tub
thebottom of thetub
bottomat the back of thetub keeps the pumpseallubricated.
Water won't pump
Drainis clogged
• If you havean air gap,cleanit. Seepage 17.
out of thetub
• If the dishwasher d rainsinto a disposer, run disposer clear.
• Checkto seeif your kitchensink isdrainingwell.If not, you
may needa plumber.
This is normal
• Warm,moistair comesthroughthevent by the door latch duringdrying
and whenwater isbeingpumpedout (front-control models). Thisisnormal
and necessary for drying.
Sanitized light does
Thedoor was openedand the
• Donot interruptthe cycleanytimeduringor after mainwash.
not illuminateat the
cycle was interrupted during
endof thecycle
or after the main wash portion
Theincoming water
• Raise the water heatertemperatureto between120°Fond14001 :.
temperature was too low
The cgcle iscompleteand
• Thisisnormal.Noactionis required.
the door has beenopen for
longerthan 60 seconds
Normaloperating sounds
• These are all normal.Noaction isrequired.
Detergentcup opening
Water enteringdishwasher
Themotor stopsand starts at
various times during the cgcle
Drainpump soundsduring
Drgingfan runningfor 2-4 hours
after CLEAN light is illuminated
(TopControl Panelmodelsonly)
Rattlingdisheswhen the sprag
arm rotates
• Hakesuredishes are properlyloaded.Seethe Loading the
dishwasher r ackssection.

