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GE 165D4700P389 Manuel Du Propriétaire page 18


Before you call for service...
Error Messages
indicator light flashing
onceevery 30seconds
Beepingat theend
of thecycle
Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and moneg! Review the charts on the following pages,
or visit GEAppliances.com
You mag not need to call for service.
Possible Causes
What To Do
You have pressed the
START/RESET p ad while the
dishwasher is running. This will
cancel the cycle. The light will
stop flashing after the dishwasher
drains (about 90 seconds).
• Press the START/RESET
padonly onetime to startthe dishwasher. Whenthe
dishwasherisrunning,only pressthe START/RESET
pad if youwishto cancel
(reset) t he cycle.
Power to the dishwasher was
turned off while a cycle was
running and power has just been
restored to the dishwasher. The
blinking lights indicate that the
dishwasher is draining water
• Thelightwillstop flashingafter thedishwasherdrainsout thewater.A new
cyclewill startautomaticallywhenthe drainends.Thenew cyclewill be set
Thisis a reminderthat your
dishwasherdoor hasbeen left
openduring operation. It will
continue beepinguntil you close
the door.
• Closeand latchthe door after openingit mid-cycle.Beeping willstop and
dishwasher w ill completecycle.
This is normal. The dishwasher
will beep twice at the end of
the cycle.
• Toturn off the doublebeepindicator(orre-activateit if it was previously
turnedoff),pressthe HEATED DRYpad5 timeswithin B seconds. A triple
beepwill soundto indicate the end-of-cyclebeepoptionhasbeenturned
on or off.
Dishesand flatware
not clean
Possible Causes
What To Do
Lowinlet water temperature
Water pressureistemporarilg low •
Hakesureinletwater temperatureiscorrect(seepage10).Turnon the hot
water faucetnearestthe dishwasher; l et run untilthe watertemperature
stopsrising. T henstart thedishwasherandturn off thefaucet. Thisensures
the enteringwater ishot.
Try not to usethe dishwasher w henhot water isbeingusedelsewhere
in the house; f or example,whendoinglaundryor whena family member
isusingthe shower.
Turnon a faucet. Iswater comingout moreslowlythan usual?If so,wait
untilpressure isnormalbeforeusingyour dishwasher.
Try not to usethe dishwasher w henhot water isbeingusedelsewhere
in the house; f or example,whendoinglaundryor whena family member
isusingthe shower.
Air gap or disposeris clogged
• Cleantheair gap or flushthe disposer.
Improperrack loading
• Hakesurelargedishwaredoesnot blockthe detergentdispenser or the
wash arms.Seethe Loading the dishwasher r ackssection.
Noair gap or high drain loop
• Verifythat you havean air gap or a high drainloop.Refer to the
Installation Instructions.

