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GE 165D4700P389 Manuel Du Propriétaire page 19


Possible Causes
What To Do
Spots and filming
on glosses and
Extremelghard water
Low inlet water temperature
Overloading the dishwasher
Improper loading
Old or damp powderdetergent
Rinseagent dispenseremptg
Toolittle detergent
UseCascadeCrystal cleuP rinseagentsto removespotsand prevent
newfilm buildup.
• Hakesurewatertemperatureisat least120°F.
• Loaddishwasher a sshownin the Loading PlaceSettings section.
• Hakesuredetergentisfresh.
• If water isextremelyhard,a softenermay be required.
Cloudiness on
Combinationof soft water and
• Thisiscalledetchingand is permanent. T opreventthis from happening,
too much detergent
uselessdetergentif you havesoftwater.Washglassware in the shortest
cyclethat will getthem clean.Seepages11,12and 13.
Water temperatureentering
• Thiscouldbe etching.Lowerthe water heatertemperature.
the dishwasherexceeds150°F
Sudsin thetub
• Useonly automaticdishwasher d etergents to avoidsudsing.
wasn't used
Cascade ®AutomaticDishwashing Detergents havebeenapproved
for usein all GEdishwashers.
• Toremovesudsfrom the tub,open the dishwasher a nd let
sudsdissipate. C lose and latch thedishwasherdoor.Pumpout water
by touchingtheSTART/RESET
pad once;then 30 secondslater,
touchthe START/RESET
pad again.Repeat i f necessary.
• Alwayswipeup rinseagentspillsimmediately.
• Reposition the dishes, s othe waterfrom the lowerspray arm can
flushthe detergent c up. Seepages:15and :16.
• Usea turkeybasterto removeasmuch water aspossible from the
SmartDispense 'M dispenser a nd refillit as normal.Besureto tighten the
capfully to preventwaterfrom enteringthe dispenser.
• Remove markswith a mild,abrasive cleaner.
Detergentleft in
Water in the
Blackor gray
markson dishes
Dishes don't dry
Rinseagent was spilled
Dishes are blocking the
detergent cup
Cap not tightened after filling
the dispenser
Aluminum utensilshave
rubbedagainst dishes
Lowinlet water temperature
Rinse agent dispenserisemptg
Sometomato-based foodscan
cause reddishsteins
Teaor coffeesteins
An overallgellowor brownfilmcan •
becausedby iron depositsin water
White filmon insidesurface-
hard water minerals
Stainedtub interior
• Hake sure inlet water temperature is at least 120°E
• Use PRE-WASH orADDED HEAToptions.
• Selecta higher cycle, such as ANTI-BACTERIALor COOKWARE.
• Check the rinse agent dispenser and fill as required.
• Useof the RINSEANDHOLD cycle after adding the dish to the load
can decrease the level of staining.
• Remove the stain by hand, using a solution of 1/2 cup bleach
and 3 cups warm water.
Beforecleaninginterior, w ait at least 20minutesafter a cyclefor the
heatingelementsto cooldown. Failure to do socan resultin burns.
Antesde limpiarel interior, e sperepar Iomenos20 minutosdespu@s
de un ciclopara que loselementoscalentadores seenfrien.Nohacerlo
A special f ilter in the water supplyline isthe onlyway to correct
this problem. C ontacta water softenercompany.
GErecommends Cascade Crystal CleoPto helppreventhardwater
mineraldepositsfrom forming.
Rundishwasher w ith citricacidto removemineraldeposits. C itric
can beorderedthroughGEParts.
Seebackcoverfor orderinginformation.

