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Liens rapides

Rev. B
English. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
Français. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5
Deutsch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8
Italiano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11
Español . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-14
Nederlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-17
Русско . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-20
Repair Parts Sheets for this product are available from the
Enerpac web site at www.enerpac.com, or from your nearest
Authorized Enerpac Service Center or Enerpac Sales offi ce.
Visually inspect all components for shipping damage. Shipping
damage is not covered by warranty. If shipping damage is found,
notify carrier at once. The carrier is responsible for all repair and
replacement costs resulting from damage in shipment.
Read all instructions, warnings and cautions
carefully. Follow all safety precautions to avoid
personal injury or property damage during system
operation. Enerpac cannot be responsible for damage or injury
resulting from unsafe product use, lack of maintenance or
incorrect product and/or system operation. Contact Enerpac
when in doubt as to the safety precautions and operations. If you
have never been trained on high-pressure hydraulic safety,
consult your distribution or service center for a free Enerpac
Hydraulic safety course.
Failure to comply with the following cautions and warnings could
cause equipment damage and personal injury.
A CAUTION is used to indicate correct operating or maintenance
procedures and practices to prevent damage to, or destruction
of equipment or other property.
A WARNING indicates a potential danger that requires correct
procedures or practices to avoid personal injury.
A DANGER is only used when your action or lack of action may
cause serious injury or even death.
WARNING: Wear proper personal protective gear when
operating hydraulic equipment.
WARNING: Stay clear of loads supported by
hydraulics. A cylinder, when used as a load lifting device,
should never be used as a load holding device. After the
load has been raised or lowered, it must always be blocked
LOADS. Carefully select steel or wood blocks that are
capable of supporting the load. Never use a hydraulic
cylinder as a shim or spacer in any lifting or pressing application.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
possible personal injury. The cylinders are designed for a max.
pressure of 700 bar [10,000 psi]. Do not connect a jack or cylinder
to a pump with a higher pressure rating.
monitor operating pressure. It is your window to what is happening
in the system.
Using a bent or kinked hose will cause severe back-pressure.
Sharp bends and kinks will internally damage the hose leading to
premature hose failure.
to rupture.
hose materials and packings. For optimum performance do not
expose equipment to temperatures of 65°C [150°F] or higher.
Protect hoses and cylinders from weld spatter.
Instruction Sheet
40,000 PSI Hand Pump
DANGER: To avoid personal injury keep hands
and feet away from cylinder and workpiece
during operation.
WARNING: Do not exceed equipment ratings. Never
attempt to lift a load weighing more than the capacity of
the cylinder. Overloading causes equipment failure and
Never set the relief valve to a higher pressure than the
maximum rated pressure of the pump. Higher settings
may result in equipment damage and/or personal injury.
WARNING: The system operating pressure must not
exceed the pressure rating of the lowest rated component
in the system. Install pressure gauges in the system to
CAUTION: Avoid damaging hydraulic hose. Avoid
sharp bends and kinks when routing hydraulic hoses.
Do not drop heavy objects on hose. A sharp impact
may cause internal damage to hose wire strands.
Applying pressure to a damaged hose may cause it
IMPORTANT: Do not lift hydraulic equipment by the
hoses or swivel couplers. Use the carrying handle or
other means of safe transport.
CAUTION: Keep hydraulic equipment away from
fl ames and heat. Excessive heat will soften packings
and seals, resulting in fl uid leaks. Heat also weakens



Sommaire des Matières pour Enerpac P-2282

  • Page 1 Install pressure gauges in the system to consult your distribution or service center for a free Enerpac monitor operating pressure. It is your window to what is happening Hydraulic safety course.
  • Page 2 For repair service, The P-2282 is a two stage pump. The shift from fi rst to second contact the Authorized ENERPAC Service Center in your stage is automatic when the system pressure reaches 200 area.
  • Page 3 àprendre en présence de liquides sous haute pression, consulter nominales du matériel. Ne jamais essayer de soulever un centre de distribution ou de réparation Enerpac pour suivre un une charge d’un poids supérieur à la capacité du vérin. cours gratuit sur ce thème.
  • Page 4 être réparé par un technicien hydraulique qualifi é. Pour PAS trop remplir. toute réparation, contacter le centre de réparation ENERPAC agréé le plus proche. Pour assurer la validité de la REMARQUE: La contenance utile de la pompe P-2282 est de garantie, n’utiliser que de l’huile ENERPAC.
  • Page 5 être dirigé vers le bas. d’huile est trop élevé, la pompe ne fonctionnera pas. La pompe P-2282 est une pompe à deux vitesses. Le passage Si la pompe est utilisée dans un environnement sale, il est de la première à...
  • Page 6 Anleitungsblatt 2.800 BAR HANDPUMPE P2282 L1651 Rev. B 09/10 Das Ersatzteilblatt für dieses Produkt fi nden Sie auf der Enerpac Website www.enerpac.com, oder bei Ihrem nächstgelegenen authorisierten Enerpac Service Center oder einem Enerpac Vertriebsbüro. 1.0 WICHTIGE VERFAHRENSHINWEISE FÜR DENEMPFANG Alle Komponenten auf sichtbare Transportschäden inspizieren.
  • Page 7 Druckstück schützen, wenn keine Zusatzgeräte mit entwichen ist. Gewinde benutzt werden. Die Pumpenfüllkappe öffnen und den Ölstand prüfen. Bis auf die Markierung an der Deckkappe füllen (nur mit EnerpacÖl). WICHTIG: Hydraulische Geräte müssen von einem NICHT überfüllen. qualifi zierten Hydrauliktechniker gewartet werden. Bei...
  • Page 8 Zum Prüfen des Ölstands in der Pumpe das Ablassventil öffnen, nach unten weisen. damit das im System befi ndliche Öl in die Pumpe zurückgeleitet Die P-2282 ist eine Zweistufenpumpe. Das Umschalten von werden kann. Zunächst die Füllkappe abnehmen. Bis zur der ersten zur zweiten Stufe erfolgt automatisch, wenn der Markierung auf der hinteren Abdeckung Enerpac-Hydrauliköl...
  • Page 9 In caso di dubbi in materia di possibilmente infortuni all'operatore. I cilindri sono stati studiati sicurezza o applicazioni, rivolgersi alla Enerpac. Se si richiede per una pressione massima pari a 700 bar. Non collegare un addestramento sulle norme di sicurezza per sistemi idraulici ad martinetto o un cilindro a una pompa la cui pressione nominale è...
  • Page 10 Per richiedere un intervento di assistenza, NOTA: la pompa P-2282 prevede una capienza di olio utilizzabile rivolgersi al centro di assistenza ENERPAC autorizzato di zona. pari a 983 cm Per usufruire dei termini di garanzia, utilizzare esclusivamente Chiudere la valvola di scarico ruotandola in senso orario.
  • Page 11 14 bar. che l'olio presente nel sistema torni nella pompa. Togliere il tappo La pompa P-2282 NON è munita di una valvola di scarico del serbatoio e aggiungere olio idraulico Enerpac quanto basta interna, per questo è necessario utilizzare sempre un per raggiungere la tacca di riempimento marcata sul cappuccio.
  • Page 12 09/10 Las hojas de despiece para este producto estan disponibles en la página web de Enerpac en la dirección www.enerpac.com, o en el centro de asistencia Técnica ó punto de venta Enerpac mas cercano. 1.0 IMPORTANTES INSTRUCCIONES DE RECEPCIÓN Inspeccione visualmente todos los componentes para verifi car si hay daños de envío.
  • Page 13 En la posición vertical, el orifi cio de descarga debe estar altas cargas. hacia abajo. La P-2282 es una bomba de dos etapas. El cambio de la 3.0 INSTALACIÓN primera a la segunda etapa es automático cuando la presión del sistema alcanza los 14 barios.
  • Page 14 Retire la tapa de llenado. Aplique aceite hidráulico Enerpac hasta llegar al nivel de la marca de la tapa posterior. No sobrepase el nivel. Para que funcionen correctamente, todas las bombas manuales requieren aire en el depósito.
  • Page 15 Enerpac kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gesteld voor schade of letsels als gevolg GEVAAR: Om persoonlijk letsel te voorkomen,...
  • Page 16 Gebruik altijd een zadel om de plunjer te beschermen, markering op de achterkap. NIET overvullen. wanneer geen hulpstukken met schroefdraad worden gebruikt. NB: De P-2282 handpomp heeft een bruikbare oliecapaciteit van 983 cm BELANGRIJK: Hydraulische machines mogen enkel door een bevoegd hydraulisch technicus van onderhoud Sluit de ontlastklep door deze met de hand rechtsom te worden voorzien.
  • Page 17 Bijvullen met NB: Als u een systeem ontwerpt waarbij de P-2282 wordt gebruikt, schone Enerpac olie. moet u met de samendrukbaarheidsfactor van olie rekening houden.
  • Page 18 используйте гидравлический цилиндр в качестве прокладки или предостережения. Следуйте всем мерам распорки при подъеме или сжатии груза. безопасности во избежание травм или повреждения имущества во время работы. Enerpac не может нести ответственность за ОПАСНО! Чтобы избежать травмы, не повреждение имущества или травмы, происшедшие в...
  • Page 19 распределяйте нагрузку по всей Откройте наполнительную заглушку и проверьте уровень поверхности опоры. Для предохранения плунжера масла. Наполните (используя только масло Enerpac) до всегда пользуйтесь опорной головкой. отметки на конце заглушки. НЕ переливайте. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Насос P-2282 имеет используемый объем ЭТО ВАЖНО! Обслуживание...
  • Page 20 Tel: +86 10 845 36166 Fax: +86 10 845 36220 All Enerpac products are guaranteed against defects in workmanship and materials for as long as you own them. 052609 For your nearest authorized Enerpac Service Center, visit us at www.enerpac.com...