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Falltech 7324 Manuel D'instructions page 4


The FallTech® Pass-Through Sling Anchors, Choker Sling Anchors, Cable Pass-Through Sling Anchors, and Cable Carabiner Sling Anchors are
available in a wide variety of configurations to address the specific needs in most workplaces. See Figure 1 for a typical configuration.
The FallTech® Pass-Through Anchors are part of a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) and come in four different styles; Sling Anchors,
Choker Sling Anchors, Cable Pass-Through Sling Anchors, and Cable Carabiner Sling Anchors. When properly employed the FallTech®
Anchors will allow the user to safely anchor to I-Beams and other constructs. The PPass-Through Sling Anchors, Choker Sling Anchors,
Cable Pass-Through Sling Anchors are part of a PFAS requiring a compatible connector or device connected to the dorsal connection point
on a Full Body Harness (FBH). The user is required to read and be familiar with all the instructions, labels, and warnings affixed to the
FallTech® Pass-Through Anchor.
Wear Pad
Sling Anchor
3.1 Purpose: The FallTech® Pass-Through Sling Anchors, Choker Sling Anchors, Cable Pass-Through Sling Anchors, and Cable Carabiner
Sling Anchors are designed to be used as a component in a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS), to provide a combination of worker
mobility and fall protection as required for inspection work, general construction, maintenance work, oil production, confined space work,
3.2 Personal Fall Arrest System: A PFAS is typically composed of an anchorage and a FBH, with an energy absorbing connecting device,
i.e., a EAL, an SRD, or a Fall Arrester Connecting Subsystem (FACSS), attached to the dorsal D-ring of properly fitted and adjusted FBH. All
uses and applications of a FBH with this equipment requires the FBH to be properly fitted and adjusted to the user. Failure to properly
fit the FBH to the user could result in serious injury or death.
3.3 Application Limits: The FallTech® Pass-Through Sling Anchors, Choker Sling Anchors, Cable Pass-Through Sling Anchors, and Cable
Carabiner Sling Anchors are a dynamic anchorage subsystem that varies in its performance depending upon the length of the system, and
the type of PFAS system used. Care should be taken to understand the capacity of the system, anchorage strength requirements, total
allowable free fall, and the requirements how the user's PFAS deploys during a fall event. The longer the freefall, the greater the energy
in the system and will result in more significant clearance requirements and impact forces on the body. Take action to avoid sharp edges,
abrasive surfaces, and thermal, electrical, and chemical hazards.
3.4 Approved Applications: Below are applications for which all FallTech® Pass-Through Anchors are specifically suited. This list is not
all-inclusive, but is intended to anticipate the most common applications in which this product may be used.
3.4.1 Personal Fall Arrest: The FallTech® Pass-Through Anchors used as the anchorage component of a PFAS to protect the user
in the event of a fall. PFAS typically consists of an anchorage, a Full Body Harness (FBH), and a deceleration device such as a
Energy Absorbing Lanyard (EAL) or Self Retracting Device (SRD). Maximum permissible free fall is 6 ft (1.8 m).
3.4.2 Restraint: The FallTech® Pass-Through Anchors may be used as a component of a restraint system to prevent the user from
reaching a fall hazard. Restraint systems typically include a full body harness containing a body belt and a lanyard or restraint
3.4.3 Work Positioning: The FallTech® Pass-Through Anchors may be used as a component of a work positioning system to
support the user at a work position. Work positioning systems typically include an FBH with integrated side D-rings, a body belt,
and a positioning lanyard. A back up PFAS is required when the user is exposed to a free fall of 2 ft (1.8 m) or more.
MANC03 Rev B
Figure 1 - About FallTech® Pass-Through Anchors
Web Loop
Sling Anchor
Be sure to read, understand, and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual.
Any misuse could result in serious injury or death.
Wire Rope
Cable Pass-Through
Sling Anchor
Wire Rope
Sling Anchor

