The following procedure will illustrate cutting out a standard 2 1/8" X 3 3/4" electrical box.
ep 1
ake certain that the electrical wires are pushed
ack or to the far side of the box so that the Zip Bit
oes not cut the wires when inserted through the
ywall. Your hammer handle is an excellent tool for
ep 2
efore fastening the sheet you must make a mark
omewhat near the center of the opening in the box
n the side of the drywall facing you. A drywall ham-
er (hatchet end) works well for this.
ep 3
o not nail or fasten screws closer then 12" from
e box, or the drywall may bulge or blister from the
xcess pressure.
ep 4
ide switch to turn the tool on. While holding the
piral Saw™ power tool firmly with both hands
unge the Zip Bit through the mark you made.
hen guide the Zip Bit to the right until you feel and
ear the Zip Bit touch the inside edge of the box.
Step 5
Pull the Zip Bit out far enough to slip it over the
edge of the box so it is now against the outside of
the box.
Step 6
While keeping the Zip Bit in contact with the outside
of the box move the tool counter clockwise while
applying light inward and upward pressure until you
feel and hear it come to the corner. As you round
the corner apply light pressure left and downward.
Step 7
While moving slowly and continuously along the
top contour you will feel the Zip Bit come to the next
corner. Round the corner and apply light down and
inward pressure until the bottom corner is reached.
Step 8
Move the Zip Bit right and upward maintaining light
continuous pressure toward the box.
Step 9
Round the right bottom corner and begin moving
the Zip Bit upward while applying light pressure left
toward the box until you meet initial upward cut.
Push tool switch to off.
These step-by-step instructions are generalized to acquaint you with the Spiral Saw™ power tool opera-
tion. After some practice, you may develop a motion technique with which you are more comfortable.
However, you must always begin the cut somewhat centrally, and MOVE THE SPIRAL SAW POWER
TOOL ONLY COUNTERCLOCKWISE to take advantage of the "hugging" action of the rotating Zip Bit
along the contours of the template. Remember to use a smooth continuous motion.
Step 10
The completed box, executed quickly, neatly and in
a fraction of the time taken by other methods.