Step 3
Lay wing on its side and Strap
LE...Note the glider is NOT
folded in half; it is folded with a
complete concertina from tip to
tip. It is really important to not
stress the middle cell or bend
the plastic too tightly.
Step 4
Group together the centre of
the wing.
Step 5
Carefully zip up the saucisse
pack without trapping any ma-
terial or lines.
Step 6
Make the first fold after the LE reinforcements. Do not fold the
plastic reinforcements, use 3 folds around the LE.
All manuals and user guides at
IMPORTANT: Do NOT lay the wing flat on the ground before
packing the glider, this will cause abrasion damage to the
top surface as you pull the glider towards the middle. AL-
WAYS pack from a mushroom or lift the wing off the ground
when gathering the wing and grouping the leading edge.
Important: Do not fold the glider in the centre, you will
bend the plastics, instead pack the wing with a full concer-
tina method from tip to tip before packing into the stuff sac.
Careless ground handling damages many paragliders. Here are some
things to avoid in order to prolong the life of your aircraft:
• DO NOT drag your wing along the ground to another take-off posi-
tion - this damages the sailcloth. Lift it up and carry it.
• DO NOT try to open your wing in strong winds without untangling
the lines first - this puts unnecessary strain on the lines.
• DO NOT walk on the wing or lines.
• DO NOT repeatedly inflate the glider and then allow it to crash back
Caring Tips