6.3.10 Encoder Parameters page
The first 2 video streams can be configured under
the Encoder Parameters menu. The first stream
is compulsorily compressed with the H.264/AVC
algorithm while the second can, alternatively, use the
MJPEG code. For both the flows, you can set the video
size, the frame rate, use of the rate controller and the
I-Frame Interval H264. The On Screen Display (OSD)
can also be configured in order to name the video
before compressing it.
Any additional video flows can only be
configured using the ONVIF protocol.
Fig. 59
6.3.11 Tools Page
From menu entry Tools it is possible to re-set the
predefined values for the entire configuration of
device or only for a number of specific sections.
This section:
• Update the firmware of the device.
• Restart the device.
Fig. 60
7 Accessories
A series of accessories for the device in use
is available. Refer to the HANDBOOK for
relative descriptions.
8 Instructions for normal
8.1 Enabling the wiper (Wiper)
Do not use the wiper if the outside
temperature is below 0°C or in case of ice.
To activate/deactivate this function, refer to the
manual of the control device used or to the relative
chapter (8.3 Special controls, page 30).
8.2 Enabling the washer (Washer)
To activate/deactivate this function, refer to the
manual of the control device used or to the relative
chapter (8.3 Special controls, page 30).