Remove debris from all cooling fins, air intakes and exhaust ports.
Clean all exterior surfaces.
Touch up any damaged paint.
Coat areas that may rust with a light film of oil.
DANGER! Fuel is very flammable. Use extreme care when
handling or storing fuel. An ignition source contacting the
fumes or fuel can result in a fire or explosion and cause fatal
or serious injuries to you or a bystander.
When not in use for an extended period, apply a thin coat of lubricant
to the steel parts to avoid rust. Remove the lubricant before using the
engine again.
Proper storage preparation is essential for keeping your engine in
good condition. The steps below will help keep rust and corrosion
from impairing your engine's function and appearance. The engine will
easier to start when used again.
Take the following precautions if storing your engine for more than 30
• Store in a clean dry area.
• Change the oil while the engine is still warm.
• Clean debris from the engine's surface.
• Drain all fuel from the fuel tank into a proper receptacle for storage.
• Disconnect the spark plug lead and cover the end with insulating
tape. Place the lead where it cannot come in contact with the spark
plug or the equipment the engine is mounted on.
• Remove the spark plug. Place 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of oil into the spark
plug hole.
• Pull starter rope slowly 8 to 10 times to properly coat the cylinder
bore and piston for storage. Replace spark plug and tighten. Any
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