Extracting the perfect espresso is an art and might take a couple of
tries. Be ready to adjust the coarseness of the grind and always
make sure to have the tamped ground coffee at the indicator line
in the filter to be able to reach perfect extraction.
Perfect espresso
• Flow like warm honey
• Nut-Brown Crema,
3-4mm thick
• Well-Balanced and
Long Lasting on
the Palate.
Under extracted
• Flowing fast like water
• Light and pale Crema
To make it perfect:
• Adjust grinding setting
to a finer setting
• Make sure ground
quantity is at
indicator level
Over extracted
• flowing in drips or
not at all
• Crema very dark and
not uniformed
To make it perfect:
• Adjust grinding setting
to a coarser setting
• Make sure ground
quantity is at
indicator level