General system information
4 General system information
This device is part of the Homematic IP
Smart Home system and communicates
via the Homematic IP wireless protocol.
All devices of the system can be confi-
gured comfortably and individually with
a smartphone using the Homematic IP
app. The available functions provided
by the system in combination with
other components are described in the
Homematic IP User Guide. All current
technical documents and updates can
be found at
5 Start-up
Installation and pairing
Please read this entire section
before starting the pairing proce-
First of all, set up your
Homematic IP Access Point using
the Homematic IP app to enable
operation of other Homematic IP
devices within your system. For
further information, please refer
to the Access Point operating
To be integrate the device into your
system and to enable it to commu-
nicate with other Homematic IP de-
vices, it must first of all be paired at the
Homematic IP Access Point or Central
Control Unit.
Proceed as follows for pairing:
• Open the Homematic IP app on
your smartphone.
• Select the menu item "Add device".
• Plug the Switching and Measuring
Cable into the desired socket.
Figure 2
• Pairing mode is active for 3 minutes.
You can manually start pairing
mode for another 3 minutes by
briefly pressing the system button.
Figure 3
Your device will automatically appear
in the Homematic IP app.
• To confirm, enter the last four di-
gits of the device number (SGTIN)
in your app, or scan the QR code.
The device number can be found
on the sticker supplied or attached
to the device.
• Wait until pairing is completed.
• If pairing was successful, the Sys-
tem button lights up green. The
device is now ready for use.
• If the LED lights up red, please try