Declaration of conformity NPD
Name of manufacturer: HILL-ROM S.A.S.
Address: ZI du Talhouët 56330 Pluvigner FRANCE
Product Name: 900 Accella + Wi-Fi Connection Module (WCM)
Model Number:
Object of the declaration:
We, HILL-ROM S.A.S., declare under our sole responsibility that the above product is
in conformity with the relevant statutory requirements: RER 2017 (SI 2017/1206)
The following designated standards or technical specifications were used in relation
to which conformity is declared:
Regulation 6.1a:
Regulation 6.1b:
Regulation 6.2 :
UK Approved Body (where applicable): non-applicable
TIMCO Engineering, Inc., with number AB1177 has performed a conformity
assessment in accordance with the procedures in Schedule 3 Module B against the
essential requirements Regulation 6.1a, 6.1b, and 6.2 of the RER 2017 (SI 2017/1206)
and issued the Type examination certificate: U1177-21232008.
Description of accessories and components, including software, which allow the
radio equipment to operate as intended and covered by the Declaration of
conformity (where applicable):
Software / Firmware:
Bed / NPD32592-SPMP
WCM AD315A / NPD36352-SPMP
Signed for and on behalf of: Pascal Vibert – Hill-Rom S.A.S Regulatory Affairs Manager
Place: Pluvigner
Date March 17, 2023
Hill-Rom SAS
+33 (0)2 97 50 92 12
Page 98
Declaration of Conformity
EN 60601-1: 2006 + A1: 2013, EN 60601-2-52: 2010, EN 62311: 2008
EN 60601-1-2: 2015, EN 301 489-17 V3.2.5 (Draft), EN 301 489-1
EN 300 328 V2.2.2, EN 301 893 V2.1.1
Z.I. du Talhouët - 56330 Pluvigner – France
N° Siret 777 346 412 00052 Code APE 3250A
T.V.A. N° FR 71 777 346 412
Société par Actions Simplifiée au capital de 19 117 888€ - R.C.S. Lorient
194411(15) - Instructions d'Utilisation - Lit Hill-Rom 900 Accella
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