101 ó 105 Gobo 1 shake, from slow to fast
106 ó 110 Gobo 2 shake, from slow to fast
111 ó 115 Gobo 3 shake, from slow to fast
116 ó 120 Gobo 4 shake, from slow to fast
121 ó 125 Gobo 5 shake, from slow to fast
126 ó 130 Gobo 6 shake, from slow to fast
131 ó 135 Gobo 7 shake, from slow to fast
136 ó 140 Gobo 8 shake, from slow to fast
141 ó 145 Gobo 9 shake, from slow to fast
146 ó 150 Gobo 10 shake, from slow to fast
151 ó 155 Gobo 11 shake, from slow to fast
156 ó 160 Gobo 12 shake, from slow to fast
161 ó 165 Gobo 13 shake, from slow to fast
166 ó 170 Gobo 14 shake, from slow to fast
171 ó 175 Gobo 15 shake, from slow to fast
176 ó 180 Gobo 16 shake, from slow to fast
181 ó 185 Gobo 17 shake, from slow to fast
186 ó 190 Gobo 18 shake, from slow to fast
191 ó 195 Gobo 19 shake, from slow to fast
196 ó 224 CW Rotation from fast to slow
225 ó 226 Stop rotation
227 ó 255 CCW Rotation from slow to fast
000 ó 005 No Prism
006 ó 255 6 Facets Linear Prism
000 ó 005 Idle
006 ó 128 Index 0° to 360 °
129 ó 191 CW Rotation from fast to slow
192 ó 192 Stop rotation
193 ó 255 CCW Rotation from slow to fast
000 ó 255 Rotation/Indexation 16Bits Prism 1
000 ó 005 No Prism
006 ó 127 16 facets Prism
000 ó 005 Idle
006 ó 128 Index 0° to 360 °
129 ó 191 CW Rotation from fast to slow
192 ó 192 Stop rotation
193 ó 255 CCW Rotation from slow to fast
000 ó 255 Rotation/Indexation 16Bits Prism 2
000 ó 255 Focus (8 bits)
000 ó 255 Focus Fine (16 bits)
000 ó 255 Frost
000 ó 020 Standard
021 ó 040 Stage
041 ó 060 TV
061 ó 080 Architectural
081 ó 100 Theatre
101 ó 255 From Projector menu
Page 46
Fixed Gobo
Prism 1
Rotation/Index Prism 1
Prism 2
Rotation/Index Prism 2
Dim Modes