1 short flash
Bluebus system error
1 second pause
1 short flash
2 short flashes
Photocell activated
1 second pause
2 short flashes
3 short flashes
Function activation
1 second pause
"Obstacle detection" by force limiter
3 short flashes
4 short flashes
STOP input activation
1 second pause
4 short flashes
5 short flashes
Error on internal parameters in control unit
1 second pause
5 short flashes
6 short flashes
Maximum limit of consecutive manoeuvres or
1 second pause
manoeuvres per hour exceeded.
6 short flashes
7 short flashes
Electric circuits fault
1 second pause
7 short flashes
8 short flashes
A command is already present that disables execu-
1 second pause
tion of other commands
8 short flashes
9 short flashes
The automation has been blocked by a "Block
1 second pause
automation" command
9 short flashes
10 short flashes
"Obstacle detection" by encoder function activated During the movement, the motors have been blocked by higher friction; identify
1 second pause
10 short flashes
Always off
Always on
Serious fault
1 flash per second
Everything normal
2 quick flashes
Input status variation
Series of flashes sepa-
rated by one second
Always off
Activation of the devices connected to the STOP
Always on
Everything normal
Always off
Everything normal
Always on
S.S. input activation
Always off
Everything normal
Always on
OPEN input activation
Always off
Everything normal
Always on
CLOSE input activation
L1 - L2
Change in number of devices connected to Blue-
Slow flashing
bus or device self-learning not performed
L3 - L4
Change in self-learning of the motor types or the
Slow flashing
positions of the mechanical stops
10 – English
TABLE 8 - Flashing light signals (FLASH)
TABLE 9 - Signals given by LEDs on control unit (fig. 16)
At the start of the manoeuvre, the devices connected to Bluebus do not corre-
spond to those recognized during the self-learning phase. One or more devices
may be disconnected or faulty; check and, if necessary, replace them. In case of
modifications repeat the device self-learning process (see paragraph 4.6).
One or more photocells do not enable movement or have caused a movement
inversion during travel; check to see if there are any obstructions.
During the movement, the motors encountered excessive resistance; identify
the cause and if necessary increase the level of force of the motors.
At the start of the manoeuvre or during the movement, the STOP input was
activated; identify the cause.
Wait at least 30 seconds, then try giving a command and if necessary turn off
the power supply. If the condition persists, there may be a malfunction and the
electronic board must be replaced.
Wait a few minutes until the manoeuvre limiting device falls to below the maxi-
mum limit.
Wait at least 30 seconds, then try sending a command and if necessary turn off
the power supply. If the condition persists, there may be a malfunction and the
electronic board must be replaced.
Check the type of command that is always present; for example, it could be a
command from a timer on the "open" input.
Release the automation by giving the "Automation release" command.
the cause.
Check that the control unit is powered. Check that the fuses have not blown: if
they have, check the cause of the fault and replace with others with the same
A serious fault has occurred: try disconnecting electrical power from the control
unit. If the problem persists it will be necessary to replace the electronic board
Control unit works correctly
Normal if one of the inputs (PP, STOP, OPEN, CLOSE) changes: photocells
activated or a command given via a transmitter
Refer to Table 8
Check the devices connected to the STOP input
STOP input active
S:S input not active
Normal if the device connected to the S.S. input is active
OPEN input not active
Normal if the device connected to the OPEN input is active
CLOSE input not active
Normal if the device connected to the CLOSE input is active
The device self-learning process must be performed (see paragraph 4.6)
Self-learning of the mechanical stop positions has not been performed (see
paragraph 4.7)