nated temperature will no longer be valid in the next time change
of the weekly programming.
- Manual mode
In manual mode, the thermostat maintains the set temperature;
to modify the temperature, use the temperature selector or the
+ and - keys.
- Away mode
Like manual mode, in away mode, the temperature you designate
will remain until you modify it or change modes.
The usefulness of this mode is to set a temperature lower than
the comfort level, for example 17º, so that you save consumption
when you are not at home or at night, but to maintain the home
at an acceptable temperature that allows for rapid recovery. at the
comfort temperature.
In long periods of absence it may also be interesting to use the
away mode instead of turning off the heating, setting a low tem-
perature, for example 5º, which will keep the heating off, but allow
it to be turned on in case of risk of freezing.