The thermostat has three operating modes, scheduled mode, ma-
nual mode and away mode.
- Scheduled mode
When the thermostat is in this mode, the scheduled mode icon
shows the period it is in.
The thermostat will follow the established programming, changing
the desired temperature at the established times.
This mode also allows you to change the temperature manually
(with + and -), but this change will only be effective until the next
programmed period.
- Manual mode
In manual mode, the thermostat maintains the set temperature, to
modify the temperature use the + and - keys.
- Away mode
Like the manual mode, in the away mode you select a tempera-
ture, and this will remain until you modify it or change the mode.
The usefulness of this mode is to set a low temperature, for exam-
ple 5º, which will keep the heating off, but will allow it to be turned
on in case of risk of freezing.