• Changes to characteristics can be done with CVs
• Digital signal: transfer independent of the power supply
• Power supply done using the digital power circuit
• Alternative power supply
• Solder pads for connections for turnout lanterns
• Turnout lanterns can be turned on or off
Decoder Installation
The following work steps may only be done in a voltage-free
work environment:
• Plug the cable included with the decoder (pay attention to the
track system) in the socket provided for it – see page 28/29
(Märklin and Trix). Now follow the illustrated instructions.
See the section "CV Programming" for changes to other cha-
racteristics in the fx (MM) protocol using CV programming or to
the DCC CV programming.
Note: Settings with the DIP switches are to be only when the
voltage is turned off. The digital installation decoder does not re-
cognize the current switch settings until the voltage is turned on.
Starting on page 39 you'll find the table for setting addresses
with DIP switches.
See page 28 for installation of the digital installation decoder
in Märklin standard turnouts, curved turnouts, or double slip
Alternative Power Supply page 31
See page 29 for installation of the digital installation decoder in
Trix standard turnouts, curved turnouts, or double slip switches.
Alternative Power Supply page 31
CV Programming
CV programming must be done on the programming track.
We recommend creating a fictitious locomotive for programming
purposes. Values in parentheses are the factory settings.
The turnout lantern connected to the digital installation decoder
will blink as a control check during the data transmission.
The programming can be done optionally with fx (MM) or DCC.
In fx (MM), we recommend setting the address by means of DIP
switches (see 39ff).
fx (MM)
Before doing any programming, the turnout to be programmed
must be switched with the Keyboard. After that the CVs are
changed immediately with the Control Unit or the CV configu-
ration on the Central Station. Immediately after that, switch the
newly programmed turnout again with the Keyboard. At this
point the programming is accepted and is functional.
CV Meaning
Decoder reset
36 Turnout lantern
The procedure for programming with the 6021 Control Unit is the
same as locomotive programming (www.maerklin.de -> Service
-> Technische Informationen).
(-) factory setting, not written
value is
0 – 1 (1) can only be set during