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Before You Start Please read all instructions carefully. Retain instructions for future reference. Separate and count all parts and hard wares. Read through each step carefully and follow the proper order. We recommend that, where possible, all items are assembled near to the area in which they will be placed in use, to avoid moving the product unnecessarily once assembled.
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Avant de Commencer Veuillez lire attentivement toutes les instructions. Conservez les instructions pour vous y référer ultérieurement. Vérifiez toutes les pièces et les accessoires. Lisez attentivement chaque étape et suivez l'ordre correct. Nous recommandons que, dans la mesure du possible, tous les produits soient assemblés à...
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Antes de Empezar Lea atentamente todas las instrucciones. Conserve las instrucciones para futuras consultas. Separe y cuente todas las piezas y los accesorios. Lea detenidamente cada paso y siga el orden correcto. Recomendamos que, siempre que sea posible, todos los elementos se monten cerca de la zona en la que se van a utilizar, para evitar mover el producto innecesariamente una vez montado.
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Antes de começar Leia atentamente todas as instruções. Guarde as instruções para referência futura. Separe e conte todas as peças e materiais duros. Leia cada passo cuidadosamente e siga a ordem correcta. Recomendamos que, sempre que possível, todos os itens sejam montados perto da área em que serão utilizados, para evitar deslocar desnecessariamente o produto depois de montado.
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Vor dem Beginnen Bitte lesen Sie alle Anweisungen sorgfältig durch. Bewahren Sie die Anweisungen zum zukünftigen Verwendung auf. Überprüfen Sie, ob alle Teile und Zubehörteile vorhanden sind. Lesen Sie jeden Schritt sorgfältig durch und befolgen Sie die richtige Reihenfolge. Wir empfehlen, alle Teile möglichst in der Nähe des Aufstellungsortes zu montieren, um unnötige Bewegungen nach der Montage zu vermeiden.
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Prima di Iniziare Si prega di leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni. Conservare le istruzioni per riferimento futuro. Separare e contare tutte le parti e gli accessori. Leggere attentamente ogni passo e seguire l'ordine corretto. Si consiglia, ove possibile, di assemblare tutti gli articoli vicino alla zona in cui verranno posti in uso, per evitare di spostare inutilmente il prodotto una volta assemblato.
Page 10
EN_1.Assembling the Front Legs to Body of Deer Insert the connecting rods on the Right and Left Front Legs of Deer (7&8) into the connecting holes on the underside of the Body of Deer (4), and fasten at two pairs of connecting loops with the Zip Ties (25).
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EN_2.Assembling the Hind Legs to Body of Deer Insert the connecting rods on the Right and Left Hind Legs of Deer (5&6) into the connecting holes on the underside of the Body of Deer (4), and fasten at two pairs of connecting loops with the Zip Ties (25).
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EN_3.Assembling the Head/Neck to Body of Deer Hang the U-shaped hooks on the bottom of the Head/Neck of Deer (2) onto the top metal frame of the Body of Deer (4), and fasten together at the connecting loops with the Zip Tie (25). FR_3.
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EN_4.Assembling the Antlers and Tail of Deer Insert the connecting rods of two Antlers of Deer (1) into the connecting holes on the top of the Head/Neck of Deer (2). Insert the connecting rod of the Tail of Deer (3) into the connecting hole of the Body of Deer (4).
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EN_5.Assembling the Front Legs to Body of Baby Deer Insert the connecting rods of the Right and Left Front Legs of Baby Deer (13&14) into the connecting holes on the underside of the Body of Baby Deer (12), and fasten at two pairs of connecting loops with the Zip Ties (25). Insert the movable connecting rod of the Left Front Leg of Baby Deer (14) into the vertical connecting hole on the opposite Leg.
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EN_6.Assembling the Hind Legs to Body of Baby Deer Insert the connecting rods of two Hind Legs of Baby Deer (15) into the connecting holes on the underside of the Body of Baby Deer (12), and fasten at two pairs of connecting loops with the Zip Ties (25).
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EN_7.Assembling the Head/Neck to Body of Baby Deer Hang the U-shaped hooks on the bottom of the Head/Neck of Baby Deer (10) onto the top metal frame of the Body of Baby Deer (12), and fasten together at the connecting loops with the Zip Tie (25). FR_7.
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EN_8.Assembling the Ears & Tail of Baby Deer Insert the connecting rods of both Ears of Baby Deer (9) into the connecting holes at the top of the Head/Neck of Baby Deer (10). Insert the connecting rod of the Tail of Baby Deer (11) into the connecting hole at the rear of the Body of Baby Deer (12).
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EN_9.Assembling the Front Legs to Body of Doe Insert the connecting rods on the Right and Left Front Legs of Doe (20&21) into the connecting holes on the underside of the Body of Doe (19), and fasten at two pairs of connecting loops with the Zip Ties (25).
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EN_10.Assembling the Hind Legs to Body of Doe Insert the connecting rods on the Right and Left Hind Legs of Doe (22&23) into the connecting holes on the underside of the Body of Doe (19), and fasten at two pairs of connecting loops with the Zip Ties (25).
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EN_11.Assembling the Head/Neck to Body of Doe Hang the U-shaped hooks on the bottom of the Head/Neck of Doe (17) onto the top metal frame of the Body of Doe (19), and fasten together at the connecting loops with the Zip Tie (25). FR_11.
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EN_12.Assembling the Ears and Tail to Body of Doe Insert the connecting rods on both Ears of Doe (16) into the connecting holes on the top of the Head/Neck of Doe (17). Insert the connecting rod on the Tail of Doe (18) into the connecting hole at the rear of the Body of Doe (19).
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EN_13.Assembling the Small Support Frames to the Deer and the Doe Insert the connecting pins of the two Small Support Frames (24) into the connecting holes of the Left Front Leg of Deer (8) and the Right Front Leg of Doe (20) and fasten at two pairs of connecting loops with the Zip Ties (25).
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EN_14.Assembling the Ground stakes Insert each four Ground Stakes (26) over the bottom metal loops of the three deers then into the ground firmly. 15.Connecting the wires Insert all the plugs connected to the Wire Controller (28) into all the sockets then tighten the plastic nuts.
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Input voltage Input voltage Input AC frequency Input AC frequency Output voltage Output voltage Output current Output current Output power Output power Average active efficiency Average active efficiency 78.7 Efficiency at low load (10 % ) Efficiency at low load (10 % ) No- load power consumption No- load power consumption Input voltage...