Open Source Licensing
Open Source Licensing
Software components in this product are licensed by the rights holder with GNU
General Public License (GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or another
Open Source Software license. These licenses stipulate that the source code is made
available. The current licence texts are available on the K 40 RF and can be displayed
via the app Bosch HomeCom Easy.
The source code of these software components is not delivered together with this
product. You can obtain the source code for these software components on a
physical medium (CD or DVD) by sending a request in writing to the address of our
Open Source Office below, stating which product you have purchased and the date
you purchased it on.
Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH
Werk Lollar
Postfach 11 61
35453 Lollar
We reserve the right to charge a fee (max. € 20) to cover the cost of making the
source code available.
You can submit your request (i) within three (3) years from when you purchased the
product containing the binary file of the requested component or (ii) if the code is
provided under the terms of GPL v3, while spare parts or a customer service are still
available from Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH.
K 40 RF – 6721874389 (2024/08)