Operating and exercising instructions
1. Rowing
Training of thighs, arms, shoulders, back and waist
Grab the rowing arms with booth hands over the handle. Move forward
as much as possible with the seat.
Push with the legs and pull with the arms, at the same time. Doing this,
drive back with the seat, until the legs are almost completely stretched
and the arms are angled.
Exhale while doing this.
While inhaling, return to the starting position.
Complete between 10 and 25 rowing cycles (= 1 set)
1 Set = a part of one training session, consisting of the stated number
of rowing cycles. In between 2 sets there should be a short recovery pause
of 1 minute. 3 sets are recommended in a training session.
2. Reciprocal Rowing
Training of shoulders, arms, back
Grab the rowing arms with both hands over the handles. Keep your legs
slightly angled.
Bring one rowing arm as close as possible to your chest without driving
the seat or bending the legs.
Push back the rowing arms and pull the other rowing arm towards your
chest, at the same time.
Pull and push reciprocal with both arms. Breathe normally.
Repeat this exercise 10 to 25 times (= 1 set)
1 Set = a part of one training session, consisting of the stated number
of rowing cycles. In between 2 sets there should be a short recovery pause
of 1 minute. 3 sets are recommended in a training session.
3. Pulling and Stretching
Training of hips, upper arms, back and abdominal muscles
Grab the rowing arms with both hands over the handles. Bend forward
as far as possible in the hips while keeping the legs almost stretched.
Pull with both arms until your upper body is in upright position. Exhale
while doing this exercise.
While inhaling return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 10 - 25 times (= 1 set).
1 Set = a part of one training session, consisting of the stated number
of rowing cycles. In between 2 sets there should be a short recovery pause
of 1 minute. 3 sets are recommended in a training session.
Attention: This is a stretching exercise - therefore do not set any high rowing
4. Arm curls
Training of biceps (front upper arms)
Grab the rowing arms with both hands over the handles. Angle your
legs slightly and stretch your arms.
Pull the two rowing arms as close as possible to your chest; inhale while
doing this.
While exhaling return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times. (= 1 set)
1 Set = a part of one training session, consisting of the stated number
of rowing cycles. In between 2 sets there should be a short recovery pause
of 1 minute. 3 sets are recommended in a training session.
Special remark:
Under exercises 2, 3, 4 the seat won't move across the computer-sensor.
Thus, no signal will be given to update the values of COUNT (number of
strokes) and TOT. Count (total number of strokes).