Read entire Safety Notes section regarding potential hazard and proper instructions before using this meter. In this manual
the word "WARNING" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may pose physical hazards to the user. The word
"CAUTION" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may damage this instrument.
To ensure safe operation and service of the tester, follow these instructions. Failure to observe these warnings can result in
severe injury or death.
• Before each use, verify meter operation by measuring a known voltage.
• Never use the meter on a circuit with voltages that exceed the category based rating of this meter.
• Do not use this meter during electrical storms or in wet weather.
• Do not use the meter or test leads if they appear damaged.
• Ensure meter leads are fully seated and keep fingers away from the metal probe contact when making measurements.
Always grip the leads behind the finger guards molded into the probe.
• Do not open the meter to replace batteries while the probes are connected.
• To avoid false readings that can lead to electrical shock, replace batteries if a low battery indicator appears.
• Unless measuring voltage, shut off and lockout power before measuring resistance.
• Always adhere to national and local safety codes. Use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent shock and
arc blast injury where hazardous live conductors are exposed.
• Always turn off power to a circuit or assembly under test before cutting, unsoldering or breaking the current path. Even
small amounts of current can be dangerous.
• Always disconnect the live test lead before disconnecting the common test lead from the circuit.
• In the event of electrical shock, ALWAYS bring the victim to the emergency room for evaluation, regardless of victim's
apparent recovery. Electrical shock can cause unstable heart rhythms that may need medical attention.
• If any of the following occur during testing, turn off the power source to the circuit being tested: arching, flame, smoke,
extreme heat, smell of burning materials or discoloration or melting of components.
Higher voltages require greater awareness of physical safety hazards. Before connecting the test leads; turn off power to
the circuit under test, set meter to the desired function and range; connect the test leads to the meter first, then connect to
the circuit under test. Reapply power. If an erroneous reading is observed, disconnect power immediately and recheck all
settings and connections.
This meter is designed for trade professionals who are familiar with the hazards of their trade. Observe all recommended
safety procedures that include proper lockout utilization and use of personal protective equipment that includes safety
glasses, gloves and flame resistant clothing.