The dustbag has a closing flap which
closes automatically when the dust
compartment lid is raised to prevent
any dust escaping.
Pull the dustbag out by the grip on
the collar.
Fit the new dustbag into the blue
holder as far as it will go. Leave it fol‐
ded up when you take it out of the
It should be unfolded as far as pos‐
sible in the dust compartment.
Close the dust compartment lid se‐
curely, making sure it clicks into posi‐
tion. Take care not to trap the dust‐
bag when doing so.
The lid will not close without a dust‐
bag in place. Do not force it!
When to change the dust compart‐
ment filter (for motor protection)
Replace this filter every time you start a
new packet of dustbags. A dust com‐
partment filter is supplied with every
packet of Miele dustbags.
How to change the dust compart‐
ment filter (dia. 28)
Open the dust compartment lid.
Pull the dustbag out by the grip on
the collar.
Open the blue filter frame fully and
remove the old filter. Hold by the
clean, unsoiled section to remove it.
Replace with a new dust compart‐
ment filter.
Close the filter frame.
Fit the dustbag into the blue holder
as far as it will go.
Close the dust compartment lid se‐
curely, making sure it clicks into posi‐
tion. Take care not to trap the dust‐
bag when doing so.
When to replace the exhaust filter
Replace this filter if the exhaust filter
change indicator is completely red (dia.
This occurs after approx. 50 hours of
operation which is equivalent to about a
year of average use. The vacuum clean‐
er can still be used. However, the suc‐
tion power will be reduced as will the
effectiveness of the filter if it is not re‐
placed in good time.
How to replace the exhaust filter
(dia. 29 + 30)
Do not use more than one exhaust fil‐
ter at a time.
Open the dust compartment lid.
Lift the exhaust filter and remove it.
Insert a new exhaust filter making it
sure it goes in properly, then push it
down into position.
Press the exhaust filter change indi‐
cator (dia. 11).
After approx. 10 - 15 seconds a thin red
line will appear in the left hand side of
the display (dia. 12).
If you wish to fit an AirClean filter,
see "Replacing one type of exhaust
filter with another".
Close the dust compartment lid.