This function can only be used with an update of the WC4-IRX-P power element. It is necessary to send in
the WC4-IRX-P power element for this purpose.
10.5 Cabin light option
This allows you to select via which module (wave.com4 basic with/without humidity module or wave.com4 Infra)
you obtain the cabin light.
(wave.com4 basic (or basic with humidity extension))
(wave.com4 Infra)
10.6 Max. run time option:
You can change the max. run time here.
(in acc. with standard EN 60335-2-53 and EN 60335-1 maximum operating period in the
domestic sector)
(in acc. with standard EN 60335-2-53 and EN 60335-1 maximum operating period in the
commercial sector)
10.7 Factory settings:
Long press on OK 3
You can reset the wave.com4 touch operating element to its software delivery state here. After confi rming this
option, switch the device off and then on again.
10.8 Audio source option
Here you can select which USB audio source you wish to use:
Select Sound&Light (optional WC4-SL-L necessary) as an audio source
Select Wave.com4 Touch operating element as an audio source
Multiple selection is not possible. The selection of an audio source respectively deactivates the other
audio source.
10.9 Audio Shuffl e option
The shuffl e playback (audio) mode is activated when this option is selected. Thus, all MP3 fi les on your USB
stick are played backed at random.
Any folder structure which may exist on your USB stick is disregarded here, i.e. a complete folder cannot
be played back in shuffl e mode.
Instructions for installation and use – only for experts
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