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Sennheiser HD 420 SL Mode D'emploi page 8


Sennheiser Electronic Corporation (NY) warrants
that each SENNHEISER product is free from defects
in material and workmanship and agrees to repair
or replace any part of the product which under nor¬
mal installation and use discloses such defect pro
vided the product is delivered through the dealer or
by the purchaser to Sennheiser Electronic Corpora¬
tion (N.Y.), intact, for examination with all transpor¬
tation charges prepaid to Sennheiser Electronic
Corporation (N.Y.) within two years from the date of
delivery by the authorized Sennheiser dealer to the
purchaser and provided that such examination
discloses in the )udgment of Sennheiser Electronic
Corporation (N.Y.) that it is thus defective.
This warranty does not extend to any parts which
have been subjected to misuse, abuse, neglect
accident incorrect wiring, improper installation, or
use in violation of instructions furnished by us nor
to any Sennheiser product which may have been
tampered with, altered or repaired outside of our
New York Service Department or our home plant.
This warranty is m lieu of all other warranties
expressed or implied, and no one is authorized to
assume any liability on behalf of Sennheiser Electro¬
nic Corporation (NY.), or impose any obligation on
it in connection with the sale of any product other
than as outlined above.
This warranty is conditioned on and becomes effec¬
tive only after the purchaser returns the detachable
card properly filled out to Sennheiser Electronic
Corporation (N.Y.), Service Department 48 West
38th Street New York N.Y. 100818. within fourteen
(14) days after date of delivery to purchaser from an
authorized Sennheiser dealer.
Para este equipo se ofrece una garantia de 24
meses. a parbr de lafecha de compra, incfuidos sus
accesonos, a excepdon de las baterias y los acumu •
tadores recargables.
La garantia de los acumuladores y de los conecto-
res de los acumuladores es de 12 meses. a partir de
la fecha de compra.
La garantia cubre, a cnterio del distributor de
Sennheiser. una reposiaon gratuita de las piezas
que se necesiten para corregir cualquier defecto
que pueda dar lugar a reclamaodn, o cualquier
reparaobn que se considere necesaria.
Para ahorrar tiempo. sirvaseenviarsu equipo Senn¬
heiser con los gastos de transpose pagados, direc-
tamente al distributor de Sennheiser en su pals,
que figura en la lista adjunta.
Acomparte la tarjeta de garantia y el recibo o com-
probante de compra.
Las redamaoones debidas a un uso inadecuado
quedan exdutas. esto es apiicable tambien a las
almohadillas de las orejas. ya que estas se hallan
sujetas a detenoro por el uso.

