Coupled with an automatic slide projector, the SG 561 may be used to
produce a fully automatic slide Show with sound, for the SG 561 not
projector. The "Dia-Pilot" operates at all tape speeds except 2.4 cm/s
and requires no further accessory equipment.
Set up the SG 561 and the projector (together with its remote
control lead) for Operation.
Depending upon whether the sound dubbing is to be in mono or
Stereo (Stereo dubbing is possible only when the SG 561 is in
quarter-track Operation), switch the Mode Selector ® to MONO 1
or STEREO. Operation of the tape machine for actual sound re-
cording is the same äs described in sec. 5 "Record Operation"
A record-player or another tape recorder may be connected to
the KI socket. Thus it is also possible to fade in music or sound
effects using the PHONO Level Controls © and © .
To make the slide show particularly impressive, first write a brief
production schedule to be followed in recording text and sound.
Speaking the commentary into the microphone, use the MICRO/
RADIO Control © (or @ and @) to set the correct record level;
use the PHONO Level Control ©(or © and © ) to fade in the
musical background and/or sound effects. With the projector's
remote control lead, Signal slide change manually so that the pic-
ture that appears will always correspond to the recording.
Once the recording of the sound track has been completed, rewind
the tape and return the slide magazine of the projector to its be-
ginning position. Also disconnect the remote control lead from the
8. "Dia-Pilot"
procector. Next, disconnect all input sources from the SG 561;
then connect the remote control socket of the projectorto the ^ c3"~
socket of the SG 561 via UHER Lead K 911.
If the sound track has been recording in mono (dual-track or
quarter-track), set the Mode Selector© to DIA-PILOT MONO and
Start tape motion for record once more. If the sound track is in Stereo,
switch the Mode Selector © to DIA-PILOT STEREO. Playback of
the sound track will then be heard. Whenever the slide should be
changed, press the MULTIPLAY/ECHO Button @ . The projector will
change the slide. At the same time a control pulse will be recorded
on track 4, that will trigger the projector to change the slide auto-
matically on subsequent playback.
5. When all of the slides have been run through, rewind the tape and
return the slide magazine to its starting point once more. Now the
SG 561 can automatically take over the presentation of the slide
show. Turn the Mode Selector © to DIA-PILOT MONO or DIA-PILOT
STEREO; Start tape transport for playback and adjust tone and
volume on your amplifier. The tone may also be regulated with the
TREBLE and BASS Controls ® and © of the SG 561.
One more tip:
If you should happen to record a control pulse at the wrong place or
if you should wish to add another slide to the series later on, all you
need to do is to run the tape through once more (äs described in Steps 3
and 4 above) and press the MULTIPLAY/ECHO Button ® at each point
at which you wish a change of slides to be triggered. All of the pre-
viously recorded control pulses will be automatically erased and replaced
by the new ones.