1. Turn Mode Selector (B) to MULTIPLAY 1 position. Connect micro-
phone to Q socket (connecting a Stereo microphone automatically
makes only the microphone System for channel 1 active), and press
turn the Tape Transport Switch ® from STOP to PAUSE position.
During tape movement the MONITOR Switch ® should be in TAPE
Position, and it should be in SOURCE position when tape is not in
2. Using UHER Adapter Lead K 633, so connect a headphone (e.g.,
UHER W 674 or W 774) to each of the sockets <l l and tl II or to
the ^l socket that the built-in loudspeakers are switched off (see
secs. 2.2, 2.7 and 2.8), first plugging the red plug of the headphone
into the yellow plug. The headphone connected to the O II socket or to
the K 633 adapter (yellow connector) is for monitoring by the "re-
cording engineer"; the headphone connected to the <ll socket orthe
K 633 adapter (red connector) is for monitoring by the "artist". To
avoid the possibility of having the headphones destroyed during play-
back at high volume levels, only headphones with an impedance of
200 ohms or more should be connected to the 43 l and (all sockets.
3. Turn MULTIPLAY/ECHO Control © all the way to the left.
After selecting the tape speed (19 cm/s and 9.5 cm/s are best
suited to sound-with-sound recording), set the record level by
means of the upper knob @ of the MICRO/RADIO Control, making
certain that the MONITOR Switch is in SOURCE position. Next
switch to TAPE monitoring; then begin tape movement by turning
the Tape Transport Switch from PAUSE to START. Recording will
commence on track 1.
5. When recording on track 1 is completed, rewind the tape to the
beginning of the recording Programme. Then switch the Mode
Selector ® to MULTIPLAY 2. The artist should put on his head-
phones. Next, press the Record Button @ and then Start tape
recording through his headphones (the volume may be regulated
with the upper knob ® of the VOLUME Control) and can thus
will hear both recordings if the machine is in TAPE monitoring posi-
tion, and he may regulate the record level of the new recording
with Level Control @ and that of the recorded track being trans-
ferred by means of the MULTIPLAY/ECHO Control ® . Hence the
relative volume of both recordings may be adjusted whenever
6. To add still another recording: rewind the tape, switch the Mode
Selector® to MULTIPLAY 1 and repeat the record Operation äs
already described. If yet another recording is to be added, turn
the Mode Selector © to MULTIPLAY 2, rewind the tape and con-
tinue the alteration until the multiple sound-with-sound recording
desired is completed.
For subsequent playback of a sound-with-sound recording, set the
Mode Selector © in MONO 1 position if the switch was in MULTI-
PLAY 1 position when the recording was completed. If at the end
of the recording the Mode Selector was in MULTIPLAY 2 position,
switch it to MONO 2. From this point, playback Operation is the
same äs for normal recordings.
If sound-with-sound recording in Stereo is desired, a second tape re-
corder and a mixing console (like UHER MIX 500 A 124) will be needed.
The recording procedure is described in the operating instructions of
the mixer.
Fig. 11