2.4 Radio/Phono l Input/Output £ (Fig. 6)
record-players with magnetic pickups if also equipped with an equalizing
nect this socket to the TAPE socket of the radio equipment via UHER
inter-unit lead K 541.
With older mono equipment UHER Adapter K 837 will usually have to
be inserted into the socket of the mono set before the inter-unit lead
(K 541) may be used to make connection to the SG 561.
2.5 Remote Control Socket A (Fig. 6)
This socket may be used to connect UHER Manual Remote Control
Switch F 111, UHER Foot-Operated Remote Control Switch F211 or
UHER "Akustomat" F411. The "Akustomat" is an automatic start/stop
switch that Starts tape transport in record mode when sound (music
or speech) begins and stops tape transport when the sound stops.
2.6 Slide Projector Socket Ä £2= (Fig. 6)
This socket may be used äs a monitor Output for connecting the
SG 561 to an amplifier equipped with a monitor input socket. For
amplifiers with cinch sockets use UHER Lead K 562; for amplifiers
with DIN socketry use UHER Connecting Lead K 563 (see also sec.
UHER Slide Projector Lead K 911 should also be connected to this
socket when connecting the SG 561 to an automatic slide projector
(to use the SG 561 to trigger slide changing automatically by means
of the UHER "Dia-Pilot" - see also sec. 8).
2.7 Left Loudspeaker Output £ l (Fig. 6)
This socket is for connecting an external, loudspeaker (with an im-
pedance of at least 4 ohms and power handling capacity of at least
6 watts) for playback of the left channel. The built-in loudspeaker for
playback of the left channel is automatically cut off if the plug for the
external Speaker is inserted into this socket äs shown in Fig. A. By
turning the plug 180° (see Fig. B), the left channel of a stereo record-
ing may be heard simultaneously through the built-in and external
Speakers. Headphones with LS-7 plugs may also be connected to this
socket if their impedance is 200 ohms or higher. If the impedance
is less than 200 ohms, high volume levels during playback may destroy
headphone cartridges.
Fig. 6
2.8 Right Loudspeaker Output 4a II (Fig. 6)
This socket is for connecting an external loudspeaker (with an im-
pedance of at least 4 ohms and power handling capacity of at least
6 watts) for playback, of the right channel. The built-in loudspeaker
for playback of the right channel is automatically cut off when the
plug for the external Speaker is inserted into this socket äs shown in
Fig. A. By turning the plug 180° (see Fig. B), the right channel of a
stereo recording may be heard simultaneously through the built-in
and external Speakers. Headphones with LS-7 plugs may also be con-
nected to this socket if their impedance is 200 ohms or higher. If the
impedance is less than 200 ohms, high volume levels during playback
may destroy headphone cartridges.
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