9. Thermostat initialization
1/ Standard thermostat initialisation: WFHT-BASIC-BUS or WFHT-LCD-BUS
First of all to enter in the parameters menu, go to the Comfort
on the same time on the (◄) key. The first parameter must be appears "F0 ProG", you can now release the keys.
By pressing several times on the (►) key, go to the "rF init" parameters, then press again on the (OK) key to enter in the
"rf init" mode. The following display (Fig.a) must appear:
Graphic scope description:
2 squares (Fig.b)
= reception of correct init signal from a thermostat.
1 square (Fig.c)
= reception of standard signal from a thermostat.
= the receiver did not detect any Bus signal. (Check the connection)
Use (◄) & (►) to change the zone number and move the green blinking LED cursor on the master/slave DISPLAY.
Use (Ok) to select or de-select this zone and move to the next zone. (The zones selected stay light up in green)
Use (+) & (-) to choose the sense of the reduced temperature in cooling mode in accordance with the following
Add => The reduced temperature (+2°C) will be added to the comfort temperature during the night period when
the system works in cooling mode.(Example: for living room, during the night you don‟t need to cool this zone)
Sub => The reduced temperature (-2°C) will be subtracted to the comfort temperature during the night period
when the system works in cooling mode.(Example: for bed room, during the night you need to cool this zone)
no => no cooling on this zone.(Example: no cooling for bathroom, kitchen or room with residual humidity)
When you have correctly selected the zones to be assigned to a Thermostat go to the Thermostat and activate its
Initialization (see Thermostat user manual).
The green LED of the zone previously selected should now extinct; two squares scrolls on the graphic scope
indicate also a correct initialization.
When the Thermostat has been correctly assigned to the selected zones, on the thermostat you can exit the "RF
Init" mode. (don‟t forget to switch off the thermostat to avoid perturbation if you need to assign other thermostats)
You can repeat the step 1 to 4 to assign other thermostats to the other zones.
To exit the "RF init" mode and save this configuration, press (Ok) during 5 sec to return to the main menu.
2/ Master H&C thermostat initialization: WFHT-BASICH&C-BUS or WFHT-LCDH&C-BUS
Use this parameter to configure the Master H&C thermostat with your WFHC-MASTERH&C-BUS.
Once in the parameter‟s menu, by pressing several times on the (►) key, go to the "MHc no" parameter, then press the
(+) key to choose the "MHc init" function.
1. When you have correctly selected the "MHc init" function go to the Master H&C Thermostat and activate its
Initialization (see Thermostat user manual).
2. When the Master H&C Thermostat have been correctly assigned with the WFHC-MASTERH&C-BUS, the message
"MHc Yes" must be displayed. Now on the thermostat you can exit the "RF Init" mode. (Don‟t forget to switch off the
thermostat to avoid perturbation if you need to assign other thermostats)
Important note
- If the WFHT-BASICH&C-BUS OU WFHT-LCDH&C-BUS must manage a zone(s), it should be also assigned with the
corresponding zone in the "rF init" menu. (Like standard thermostat)
- If two WFHC-MASTERH&C-BUS are installed in the house, the Master H&C thermostat WFHT-BASICH&C-BUS or
WFHT-LCDH&C-BUS should be linked with both WFHC-MASTERH&C-BUS with this submenu to control the totality of
the house. (In this case pay attention to the polarity of the wiring)
mode, press once and maintain the (Ok) key then press