Power Vac Mode
1. Press power button to turn machine on. Machine will start in
dry cleaning mode.
For larger messes and area
3. Return machine to upright position to stop.
rugs, switch to Turbo Mode for
Note: When powering off or returning upright, machine runs for
additional suction.
1.5 secs to remove debris. Wait for it to finish powering down
before moving.
Emptying the Dry Dirty Tank
4. Press button on top of dirty
5. Remove top of tank by
water tank and pull out.
grabbing lid in recessed area
on either side of filter.
7. Pull the strainer tab up and
8. Replace strainer and dirty
remove debris. Empty tank
tank lid.
into trash can.
2. Recline machine to begin
1.5 sec
6. Remove filter from lid.
Remove debris from mesh
screen of lid.
9. Insert bottom of tank first.
Tilt tank towards machine until
it clicks into place.