1.6b RS485 BACNET communication
Address number: 0...127
Transmission speed: 9600 – 19200 – 38400 - 76800 bit/s
Parity bit: none – even – odd
Network address: 0...4000
Just for 32-bit quantities
1.7 Relay output function: energy pulses, alarm, state of relay switching
The output relay
can be used as energy pulse repeater, as alarm relay or for
(terminals 15-29)
remote-controlled state of relay switching
1.7a Energy pulses
Quantity that can be coupled: active or reactive energy
Pulse weight: 1 pulse/10Wh(varh) - 100Wh(varh) - 1kWh(kvarh) - 10 kWh(kvarh) -
100kWh(kvarh) - 1MWh(Mvarh) - 10MWh(Mvarh)
Width of the pulse: 50 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 ms
1.7b Alarm
Quantity that can be coupled: phase voltage
, phase current
, , three-phase active power, three-phase reactive power.
(I1, I2, I3)
Intervention threshold: intervention point, decimal point, metering unit
Alarm type: min. or max.
Relay output contact: normally open (no) or normally closed (nC)
Hysteresis: 0...20%
Intervention delay: 0...99s
Reset delay: 0...99s
1.7c Remote-controlled state of relay switching, bistable mode (rMtb)
Relay output contact: normally open (no) or normally closed (nC)
t on: delay elapsed between the activation remote command and the change in the state of relay
t oF: delay elapsed between the reset remote command and the change in the state of relay
selectable values t on / t oF: 0...99s
1.7d Remote-controlled state of relay switching, time mode (rMtt)
Relay output contact: normally open (no) or normally closed (nC)
t on: delay elapsed between the activation remote command and the change in the state of relay
t oF: delay elapsed between the reset remote command and the change in the state of relay
selectable values t on / t oF: 0...99s
01/16 10783331 WEB E cod.MF72...
(function available just for models with communication).
, interlinked voltage
(L1-N, L2-N, L3-N)
(L1-L2, L2-L3,
Level 2
Password = 2001
2.1 External VT or CT ratio
Vt =
External primary/secondary VT ratio
Ct =
External primary/secondary CT ratio
External CT ratio (Ct): 1...9999
(max. primary current 50000/5A - 10000/1A)
External VT ratio (Vt): 1,00...10,00
For voltage direct connection
(with external voltage transformer)
By modifying the
ratios, the KWH meters are automatically reset
Phase sequence diagnostic
In the software of the device have added a specific functionality to detect and correct many
problems concerning voltage and / or current connection.
This function can be activated through password and allows to display and modify the connec-
tion sequence provided that the following conditions are respected:
1) The neutral wire (in a 4-wire network) is connected to the right terminal
2) No crossings between cables connected to CTs
1 and 3 - are connected some way both to CT1 and CT2)
3) The power factor is between 1 and 0,5 - Inductive load - for each phase.
See www.imeitaly.com "TECHNICAL SUPPORT"
Nemo 72 Le
(ex. VT 600/100V Vt = 6)
(ex. CT 800/5A Ct = 160)
(max. primary voltage TV 1200V)
load Vt=1,00
(normally number1)
(e.g. avoid that on phase 1 of the meter-terminals