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Dell Wyse Guide De L'utilisateur page 25


Il est recommandé de redémarrer la machine virtuelle et le système d'exploitation invité pour une installation réussie.
Installing Microsoft Windows 8.1
● If the VMs are configured using an older version of the Quick Start Tool, see the prerequisites for the VMs in
Start Tool
● Before you install the Microsoft Windows 8.1 operating system, ensure that you have the:
○ Microsoft Windows 8.1 Disk Image File (ISO), CD, USB, or network install.
○ VM Boot Option set to EFI. For more information about the EFI Boot Option, see the
● The mouse cursor may not be responsive until you install the VMware Tools. You may have to use the keyboard for performing
the following steps. See the
1. Launch the Quick Start Tool.
2. Click the Finish tab.
3. Under Virtual Machine Configuration, click the configured VM.
The VMware Remote Console opens and the Invalid Security Certificate dialog box is displayed.
4. Click Connect Anyway.
5. Click the green triangle to start the VM.
6. Follow the instructions to install Microsoft Windows 8.1 at
Installing the VMware Tools
Installation du système d'exploitation invité de la machine virtuelle
topic to install the VMware Tools for your operating system.
Using the Quick
VMware documentation —

