Troubleshooting (continued)
Air Conditioner seems to run too much
1. Is there a door or window open?
□ Keep doors and windows closed.
2. The current air conditioner replaced an older model.
□ The use of more efficient components may cause the air conditioner to run longer than an older model, but the total energy
consumption will be less. Newer air conditioners do not emit the "blast" of cold air you may be accustomed to from older units, but
this is not an indication of lesser cooling capacity or efficiency. Refer to the efficiency rating (EER) and capacity rating (in Btu/h)
marked on the air conditioner.
3. The air conditioner is in a heavily occupied room, or heat producing appliances are in use in the room.
□ Use exhaust vent fans while cooking or bathing and try not to use heat-producing appliances during the hottest part of the day.
Portable air conditioners are designed as supplemental cooling to local areas within a room. A higher capacity air conditioner may
be required, depending on the size of the room being cooled.
Air conditioner runs for a short time only, but room is not cool
1. Set temperature is close to room temperature.
2. Lower set temperature. See "Operation".
Display error code
1. If the unit displays error code E5, the water container is full.
□ Drain the water, see "Draining the Air Conditioner" on page 16. After draining, the unit can be operated again.
2. If the unit displays error code E1/E2/E3/E4/E6/E7/EA, please contact customer service.
Air conditioner runs, but does not cool
1. The filter is dirty or obstructed by debris.
□ Clean the filter.
2. Air outlet is blocked.
□ Clear air outlet.
3. Set temperature is too high
□ Lower set temperature.
Please contact 1-855-673-7747 for further assistance.