Display is Flashing "E3"
Possible Causes
The hopper is out of pellets
The air dampener is too far open for a low feed
The burnpot holes are blocked.
The air inlet, the interior chambers, or exhaust
system has a partial blockage.
The hopper safety switch has failed or hopper
is open.
The auger shaft is jammed.
The auger motor has failed.
The Proof of Fire (POF) thermodisc has
The control board is not sending power to
the POF thermodisc or other auger system
Trouble Shooting Guide
Possible Remedies: (Unplug stove first when possible)
Refill the hopper.
If on the low setting, you may need to close the dampener all the
Remove the burnpot and thoroughly clean it.
Follow all cleaning procedures in the maintenance section of the
owner's manual
When operating the unit, be sure the hopper lid is closed so that
the hopper safety switch will activate. Check the wires leading
from the hopper safety switch to the control panel and auger
motor for secure connections. Use a continuity tester to test the
hopper safety switch; replace if necessary.
"Start by emptying the hopper. Then remove the auger motor by
removing the auger pin, then remove the two bolts that hold the
auger bracket to the auger tube. The auger bracket will now be
able to be removed form the auger tube. Remove the two bolts
on the side of the auger tube to remove the lower bearing of the
auger. Pull the auger out of the tube to free the jam.
Remove the auger motor from the auger shaft and try to run the
unit. If the motor will turn the shaft is jammed on something. If the
motor will not turn, the motor is bad.
Temporarily bypass the POF thermodisc by disconnecting the two
wires and connecting them with a short piece of wire. Then plug
the stove back up. If the stove comes on and works, you need to
replace the POF thermodisc. This is for testing only. DO NOT LEAVE
THE THERMODISC BYPASSED. Your blowers will never shut off and
if the fire went out the auger will continue to feed pellets until the
hopper is empty if you leave the POF thermodisc bypassed.
There should be a 5-volt (approximately) current going to the POF
thermodisc after the stove has been on for 10 minutes.