Définitions supplémentaires des symboles de sécurité
Keep your head out of the fumes
= < 60
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode (wire) with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
OM-284833 Page 6
Stop engine before fueling.
Une liste complète de pièces détachées est disponible sur www.HobartWelders.com
Do not fuel a hot engine.
Use lift eye to lift unit and properly installed accessories only, not gas cylinders. Do not exceed maximum lift eye
rating (see Specifications).
When power is applied failed parts can explode or cause other parts to explode.
Flying pieces of parts can cause injury. Always wear a face shield when servicing unit.
Always wear long sleeves and button your collar when servicing unit.
After taking proper precautions as shown, connect power to unit.
Disconnect input plug or power before working on machine.
Avertissement! Attention! Les risques éventuels sont indiqués par ces
Les galets d'entraînement peuvent blesser les doigts. Le fil de sou-
dure et les organes mobiles sont sous tension pendant les opérations
de soudage − tenir les mains et les objets métalliques à distance.
Prendre garde aux chocs électriques dus au câblage.
Quand l'alimentation est branchée, certaines pièces défectueuses
peuvent exploser ou provoquer l'explosion d'autres pièces.
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
Recevoir une formation convenable et lire les instructions avant de
machine or welding.
procéder au soudage ou aux interventions exécutées sur le poste.
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
Les condensateurs d'alimentation conservent une tension dange-
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
reuse après coupure de l'alimentation. Ne pas toucher des condensa-
machine or cutting.
after power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input ca-
teurs encore chargés. Attendre toujours 5 minutes après coupure de
pacitor voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
l'alimentation avant toute intervention sur l'appareil ET vérifier la ten-
sion du condensateur d'alimentation et s'assurer qu'elle est proche
de 0 avant de toucher des pièces de l'appareil.
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
Remove unit from shipping crate. Remove Owner's Manual from unit.
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
Follow instructions to install muffler.
power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input capacitor
voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
Always lift and support unit using both handles. Keep angle of lifting
Every 100 hours, check and clean filter and check condition of hoses.
device less than 60 degrees.
Use a proper cart to move unit.
During the first 50 hours of operation keep welding load above 200
amperes. Do not weld below 200 amperes of output.
Engine fuel plus flames or sparks can cause fire.
Remove unit from shipping crate. Remove Owner's Manual from unit.
After the first 50 hours of operation, change the engine oil and filter.
Follow instructions to install muffler.
Read Owner's Manual. Read labels on unit.
Move jumper links as shown on inside label to match input voltage at
job site. Include extra length in grounding conductor and connect
grounding conductor first. Connect line input conductors as shown on
inside label. Double-check all connections, jumper link positions, and
input voltage before applying power.
Safe23 201
Safe75 201
Safe82 201
Safe24 20
Safe95 201
Safe25 20
Safe105 201
Safe26 201
Safe7 2017 04
Safe27 201
Safe40 2012 05
60 seconds
Safe41 2012 05
Safe28 201
Safe42 2017 04
5 minutes
Safe46 2012 05
Safe43 2017 04
Safe29 201
Safe51 2012 05
Safe44 2012 05
Safe30 20
Safe54 2017 04
Safe45 2012 05
Safe46 2012 05
Safe55 2012 05
Safe47 2012 05
Safe57 2017 04