3.1 Technical data
Favignana full range consists of the following systems:
3 .2 Supporting structures
The Favignana solar systems' support structures are made from carbon
steel section bars protected by a special anti-corrosion treatment in order
to ensure maximum resistance and durability over time. The structures
are supplied in the form of disassembled components, which must be
assembled using bolts at the point of installation.
The Favignana system is available in the following versions:
• Flat roof
• Pitched roof
• Universal
• Low (Low-floor roof)
In any case the supporting and mounting structure kit is not
suitable for installation in areas where the limits indicated
below are expected to be exceeded
Wind speed maximum limit
Snow load maximum limit
The limit conditions of installation are valid in case of supporting and
mounting structure well anchored to the installation surface. We
recommend the use of 8 anchorage points, using the holes available
on the mounting structures, bearing a minimum load of 500N. For
installations where the above limits are expected to be exceeded,
the installer is required under his/her responsibility to use appropriate
additional supporting and mounting systems.
The manufacturer assumes no liability and undertakes no warranty
obligations for supporting and mounting systems other than those
supplied. Every Cordivari supporting and mounting structure kit comes
complete with the bolts and steel section bars necessary for the solar
systems' proper installation. Appropriate equipment (suitable tools) and
fastening systems (including screws, blocks, log bolts, etc.) must be used
to ensure that the system is properly anchored to the support surface.
3.2.1. Tools required for the assembly of supporting structures
Fixed 13 mm wrench
Fixed 17 mm wrenches
Flexible tape measure
3 .3 Capturing tubes
The capturing tubes used in solar systems produced by Cordivari S.r.l.
are designed and manufactured to exploit the energy of the sun in the
Cod. 1910000002148 - nv00
area [sq.
area [sq.
110 Km/h
1.2 kN/sq. m
best possible manner, with the aim of producing hot water for domestic
use. The capturing tubes of Favignana systems transfer the heat of the
sun through the evaporation of a special fluid contained inside the Heat
Pipes positioned in the tubes; the special coating on the capturing tube
together with the high-vacuum cavity, allows the best possible use of
solar radiation by absorbing and retaining it to allow the fluid flowing in
the tubes to heat up and then transfer the heat to the water. The choice
of materials and the special attention given to insulation make Favignana
solar thermal systems efficient and effective in the use of solar energy,
which is FREE and SAFE. The Favignana solar systems are certified
according to the EN 12976 & Solar Keymark standards.
3 .4 Solar DHW tank
DHW tanks manufactured by Cordivari S.r.l. are intended for preparation
and storage of domestic hot water through heat exchange between
solarpowered capturing tubes and the water contained in the DHW tank.
These products are manufactured in compliance with Directive 2014/68/
UE (PED) for pressure equipment concerning the fluid used and the
relevant operating conditions.
3.4.1 Category identification (Directive 2014/68/EU)
The full range of Cordivari boilers has lower values than the threshold
values shown below: Container for water (group 2) having a vapour
pressure value (at the maximum allowable temperature) which is 0.5
bar lower than the normal atmospheric pressure (1033 mbar), maximum
working pressure PS > 10
bar, product PS*V > 10,000 bar*L, PS > 1000 bar.
Water pipes (group 2) with vapour pressure at the maximum allowable
temperature lower than 0.5 bar in addition to/above normal atmospheric
pressure (1033 mbar), maximum working pressure PS > 10 bar, diameter
DN > 200 and product PS*DN < 5000 bar*mm.
Therefore all DHW tanks in Cordivari range, as stated in Art. 4.3 and
Annex II Tables 4 and 5 of the above mentioned Directive, may not be
CE marked. However, as stated in such Directive, Cordivari S.r.l. can
guarantee that they have been properly manufactured (as certified by
UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality System), thus ensuring safe use and the
manufacturer's identification.
3.4.2 Hydraulic DHW tank connections
The hydraulic connection of the DHW tank must be made after installation
on stable structures, see paragraph 5 onwards. The Cordivari Favignana
solar system must be connected to the DHW distribution system as
indicated in the following figure.
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