Removable Airbag System 3.0
06 Thread the deployment handle and airbag system
through the hole in the airbag system pocket
5.5 Training deployment
Training with your avalanche airbag is necessary in
order to become familiar with your system and to be
able to act quickly and intuitively in an emergency. In
particular, you should practice deploying your ava-
lanche airbag in order to realize how hard you need
to pull on the deployment handle. In order to avoid
refolding your avalanche airbag after every practice,
you can also perform a dry deployment without a
pressure cartridge. The Trigger Test Tool allows you
to perform such a dry deployment simply. We recom-
mend at least one dry deployment before the winter
season begins.
Using the trigger test tool:
01 Screw the Trigger Test Tool all the way into the de-
ployment mechanism. Caution: the Trigger Test
Tool must not be overtightened.
02 Put the backpack on (see Section 5.1). In order to
make the deployment as realistic as possible, we
recommend wearing your skiing clothes during
the dry deployment. Deploying the airbag wearing
gloves is particularly good practice.
03 Deploy your avalanche airbag as described in Sec-
tion 5.1.
04 Unscrew the Trigger Test Tool from the deployment
5.6 Attaching equipment to the backpack
Our backpack models offer a number of options for at-
taching a variety of different equipment to your back-
pack. The following points should be considered::
01 It is important to ensure that any attachment of ad-
ditional equipment does not inhibit the deployment
of the airbag. In other words: do not block the airbag
openings (e.g. attaching a rope to the backpack).
02 Your shovel and probe can be placed in your back-
pack. Most backpacks have a separate compart-
ment for safety equipment
03 Your ice ax can be attached to the outside of your
backpack. Always use an protective ax cap, such
as the Mammut Ice Spike Protection. This prevents
the tip of the ax damaging the avalanche airbag in
an emergency. The Ice Spike Protection is suitable
for most popular mountain tour ice axes.
04 We recommend that you always attach your skis
diagonally across your backpack. Although fixing
your skis in a A-shape is possible, we only ad-
vise doing so in safe terrain. Fixing your skis in an
A-shape can impair the inflation of the airbag.
6 Cartridges
6.1 General
The pressure cartridges are the airbag system's ener-
gy storage system. We stock a number of cartridges
that are compatible with the Removable Airbag Sys-
tem 3.0. All cartridges that were compatible with the
Inflation System 2.0 (from 2011/2012) are compatible
with the new Airbag System 3.0.
One cartridge allows only one deployment. After de-
ployment the empty cartridge must be refilled.
6.2 Types and refilling
Only use Mammut or Snowpulse cartridge with Mam-
mut airbags:
Carbon cartridges
These are the lightest cartridges we stock and must
be replaced by a Mammut retailer after deployment.
Many Mammut retailers offer a good price for replac-
ing old cartridges with new ones. Not available in the
USA and Canada.
Steel cartridges
These cartridges are slightly heavier and must be re-
placed by a Mammut dealer after deployment. Many
Mammut retailers offer a good price for replacing old
cartridges with new ones. Not available in the USA
and Canada.
Aluminum cartridges
Aluminum cartridges are mainly used in the USA and
Canada. Customers can refill the cartridges them-
selves. Please read our handbook on refilling car-
tridges yourself and the list of official filling stations
for 207 bar aluminum cartridges: