Quick Start Guide CellaCast PA 8x
8 Focussing
If the pyrometer is mounted in a cooling or protective housing, remove the pyrometer from the
protective fitting. For easier focusing, hold the pyrometer parallel to the cooling or protective
Pyrometer with through-the-lens sighting:
When aiming the pyrometer with through-the-lens sighting to a target, both the targeted object
and the target marker (distinctly marked circled or rectangle spot in the viewfinder) must appear
in sharp focus simultaneously.
Pyromter with camera:
The models PA xx AF xx /C features an integrated camera. When aiming the pyrometer focus
the sensing head until the video images is sharp.
Pyrometer with laser sighting:
The pyrometer models PA xx AF xx /L feature a laser spot light which can be activated to facili-
tate instrument alignment to the target spot.
To activate the laser, press the MODE button on the rear panel for 2 seconds.
Alternatively, the laser can be switched on with the interface.
To focus, rotate the optics until the pilot light is projected as a sharp, round light spot on the
object to be measured.
Pyrometer with fibre optic:
The pyrometers have a laser that can be activated to align the sensing head to the target spot.
To activate the laser, press the MODE button in the real panel for 2 seconds.
Alternatively, the laser can be switched on via the interface
For focal adjustment loosen the shown socket screw (hexagon socket screw DIN 916) with a
wrench (DIN 911) and shift the internal body of the tube towards the lens tube. Due to the O-ring
sealing between the internal body of the tube and the lens tube the focal adjustment must be
carried out very slowly so that the air pressure in the space between lens and internal body of
the tube can be be equalised.
1: For focussing solve screw