There may be times when you need to shut off the water supply to your
entire house. To do this, set the by-pass valve to the "OFF" position. No water
will flow through the house. To restart the water, set the by-pass valve to
the "SERVICE" position. You may put the filter into by-pass at any time, if
necessary, by putting the by-pass valve into the "BY-PASS" position. You will
still get water throughout the house; however, all of the water will be untreated.
To return the filter to service, set the by-pass valve to the "SERVICE" position.
NOTE: By-pass styles vary and yours may not be as described. Contact
your Kinetico dealer for further assistance.
Cold Weather Protection
If your Kinetico water system is installed outside or in an area that is not
heated, you may need to take precautionary measures to prevent damage to
your unit from freezing.
NOTE: Kinetico's warranty doesn't cover damage to your system due
to freezing.