Kinetico Backwashing Filter Series
Commonly Asked Questions
There has been a drop in my home's water pressure. What can be
the cause?
A reduction in your home's water pressure can indicate that the filter is in a
backwashing cycle. Normal pressure should return when the cycle is complete. If
not, contact your local, authorized, independent Kinetico dealer.
My system seems to be backwashing more frequently. Is this normal?
Remember, your Kinetico system is demand–operated, adjusting automatically to
your water usage. If you do not think that your water usage has increased due to
extra house guests, additional laundry or some other reason, check for any leaky
plumbing, dripping faucets or running toilets; all of which can contribute to more
frequent backwashing.
I can hear my Kinetico system running or backwashing during the
day. My old filter only used to run at night. Is this normal?
Single tank, electric water filters are set to backwash at night because of the
unavailability of filtered water during the backwash process. Unlike traditional
water filters, Kinetico systems operate on demand based on your water usage,
without timers or electronics. So your system backwashes whenever necessary, at
any time of day. And Kinetico's twin tank design allows one tank to provide treated
water while the other backwashes, so you'll never be without filtered water.
How will I know when it is time to change the filter media?
Generally, the media in your filter needs to be changed when the original water
problem returns to the filtered water. Depending on water usage and water
conditions, the media could last for several years.
If at any time you feel your Kinetico water system is not operating properly,
put the system in by-pass and call your local, authorized, independent
Kinetico dealer.