11.3.3 Individual program for screed drying
This program allows the following settings:
Heat up diff. temp.:
Starting from the initial temperature of 20 °C up to the set
maximum temperature, the set temperature is raised by the
set difference with every program step.
The number of steps depend on the following factors.
Heating-up period:
The number of hours can be entered here during which the
corresponding set temperature must be reached and
maintained (function as described above).
12 Extended Installation Instructions for the Heat Pump Manager
12.1 Heating and Cooling Controller
The system supports two modes for generating the
refrigerating capacity:
Active cooling with a reversible heat pump
Passive cooling using a heat exchanger
In order to perform cooling functions, a cooling controller is
required in addition to the heat pump controller (heating).
Reversible heat pumps for active cooling are supplied as
standard with a heat pump manager (heating/cooling)
For passive cooling, the cooling controller is connected to
the existing heat pump manager (heating).
12.1.1 Network operation of heating and cooling controllers and remote control
Both of the controllers (heating and cooling controllers) are
connected to the J11 plugs via a three-core connecting cable and
are operated as a network. This is done by assigning each
controller a network address. The network addresses of the
heating and cooling controllers are preassigned.
Heating controller Network address 01
Cooling controller Network address 02
These controller addresses are factory default settings.
Exception: Heating controller for passive cooling station. See the
Passive Cooling Station installation instructions.
The heating and cooling controller software must be compatible
in order for the network to work properly.
Heating software
Cooling software
Keep period:
The number of hours can be entered here during which the
maximum set temperature must be maintained.
Heat down diff. temp.:
Starting from the set maximum temperature down to the
initial value of 20°C, the set temperature is reduced by the
set difference with every program step.
The number of steps depend on the following factors.
Heating-down period:
The number of hours can be entered here during which the
corresponding set temperature must be reached and should
be maintained.
Fig. 12.1: Dimensions of the wall-mounted heat pump manager
The software is compatible if the characters X and Y are
identical, e.g.
WPM_ K_H41 is compatible with WPM_H_H45
WPM_ K_H41 is not compatible with WPM_H_H31
Use the "Operating data network"menu to check if the cooling
controller was identified.
The "Network heating/cooling"menu point displays whether
the network connection is active.
Set the DIP switches of a connected remote control as follows:
Remote control
No network
Fig. 12.2: DIP switch settings