S Make sure that the ventilation openings on the side of
the QuantumX module are not covered. The SCM-HV
must not be surrounded by insulating material or sim
Before connecting the voltage source to be measured,
check that the SCM-HV is working. This is done with a
calibrated voltage source or by measuring the voltage of
a source in advance with a calibrated voltmeter.
S Connect the SCM to the voltage source to be meas
ured (2). Only extend the measuring lead with meas
uring leads approved for CAT II 300 V, or better.
The maximum permissible length of the measuring
lead including the fitted 1 m long measuring lead, is
30 m.
The measuring lead must not run through outdoor
areas, either in full or in part.
S To reduce interference signals:
- Keep the length of the measuring leads as short as
- Connect the QuantumX housing to ground poten
- Use pairs of shielded cables (ensure approval),
connect the shield to ground potential.
- Lay unshielded measuring leads close together,
channel by channel, avoid large loop areas.
- Twist unshielded measuring leads together.
- Physically separate leads for measuring sensitive,
small signals from measuring leads connected to